Blessing of Backpacks and Work Bags
Sunday, August 25
Remember to have your kids bring their backpacks to worship for a special blessing, and adults – bring your bags too! We’ll have a keychain for everyone as a reminder that you are loved by God and as a reminder of your call to live as a servant of Christ.
Family Faith Night Kick Off!
Wednesday, August 28 @ 6:00 pm @ Grace
We are PUMPED for another year of Family Faith Nights! Everyone – lower elementary, upper elementary, middle school, high school, AND adults – are invited to join us!
Especially for the kick off, parents of kids/youth participating are highly encouraged to attend. Got a toddler/preschooler? Let us know and we’ll arrange for childcare and/or figure out something unique for them!
Reminder: meal is provided each night. Meal for kick off is hot dogs, veggies, chips and desert.
Full schedule will be handed out at the Kick-Off and can also be found at our webpage highlighting various faith formation groups for kids and adults.

Help Needed for Family Faith Night Meals
Food gathers us. It provides a space to talk, to share our lives, and to learn more about one another.
To continue providing this environment as a part of Family Faith Nights, we need your help. We’re looking for teams of people to plan, prep, serve, and clean up Family Faith Night meals. Funding for food costs may be available.
If you’re willing to assist, sign up your name on the spreadsheet or contact the church office. If you have a full team to sign up with, great! If you just want to sign up yourself, that’s also ok! No need to include a meal menu right now. Once teams are established we will circle back to groups for coordination.
If you have any questions, contact Pastor Aleese.
God’s Work Our Hands Service Project
Sunday, September 15
Each year, the ELCA uplifts a Sunday in September as “God’s Work Our Hands” Sunday as an annual day of service. This year, we’re joining with our ELCA congregations to sponsor a drive benefitting Sleep in Heavenly Peace – a local organization whose mission is to ensure no child sleeps on the floor. Through September 15, we’ll collect physical donations (list of needed items coming soon!) and monetary donations. More information coming soon!
Support Kids Going Back to School through ELCA Good Gifts
Periodically, Shepherd has supported ELCA Good Gifts, an organization that uplifts individuals and families domestically and abroad. As we look to the school year, the ELCA has issued a special request for support for school supplies. For just $10 you can provide a child with school supplies or fill a backpack with nutritious food. With an ELCA Good Gift you have the power to introduce a child to a world of possibilities, grow the church, fight hunger and transform lives.
Your ELCA Good Gifts help share God’s love in Christ far and wide. Thank you for your support of the mission and ministry we share!
Shepherd Kid Days
October 18, January 20,
April 18
Last spring, our Shepherd kids gathered on Good Friday to learn about communion. This school year, we’re expanding that to offer three days throughout the school year. We’ll meet at SOTC from 9:00 – 11:00 am, each time focusing on a different topic (October: Stewardship and Service; January: Justice; April: Baptism)
For now, mark your calendars…and families – be on the look out for more information soon! If you know someone from outside SOTC that would like to participate, talk to Pastor Aleese.
Listen, God is Calling Stewardship Emphasis and Events
Sat, Sept 28; 6:30-8:30 pm
Breakfast Potluck:
Sun, Oct 13 after worship
Stewardship and listening. The two might not seem to go hand-in-hand. But we’ll investigate in late September and early October, as we listen to God’s call for ourselves, for our congreation, and for the community, we are stewarding God’s gifts entrusted to us.
To cap our stewardship emphasis this fall, we’re beginning and ending in celebration and community. Mark your calendars to join us for a bonfire night and a breakfast potluck during fellowship! We look forward to celebrating what God has entrusted into our care and listening to how God is calling us to use what we’ve been given for the sake of God’s Kingdom!