
News & Events

Re:Storied Begins this Sunday!

Sunday, September 15 @ 6:30 @ Zion

It’s here! Our last adult faith formation group begins this coming Sunday at Zion! Re:Storied is a course intended to introduce participants to the whole of the Biblical narrative while also providing opportunities to tangibly practice dwelling in God’s Word.

If you indicated interest in this group, be sure to come on Sunday evening to learn more. Curious about the group but didn’t sign up? Show up to learn more. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese or Andy Christy

Bedding and Pillows for Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Bring by Sunday, September 15

Last chance! Bring your donations of kids bedding (twin sheets, blankets) and pillows to church by this Sunday. Then, we’ll share our collection with our fellow Muscatine ELCA congregations as we help out Sleep in Heavenly Peace – a local organization whose mission is to ensure no child sleeps on the floor. Thank you in advance for your help!

Seeking Food Donations!

The SOTC council is excited to reboot our weekly food drive to help support our local MCSA food pantry! As the needs in our community grow, this is a great opportunity to come together and help those in need. 

Simply grab a non-perishable food item from your pantry and place it in the green tote found in the narthex. A volunteer will make sure items are delivered to MCSA in a timely manner. Some needed items are (pop top cans preferred):

  • bottled water
  • soup
  • peas
  • mixed veggies
  • meats
  • pineapple
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • toilet paper

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference in the lives of families facing hunger in the Muscatine area.

Stewardship Kick Off Bonfire

Saturday, September 28; 6:30-8:30 pm

This fall – starting Sunday, September 29 – we will begin a stewardship emphasis during Sunday morning worship. We’ll dwell in the theme, “Stewarding God’s Call” by considering how God is calling us to steward God’s call in our lives (Sept 29), in our congregation (Oct 6) and in our community (Oct 13). More details about the various ways you can be involved coming soon!

In the meantime, mark your calendars for a special kick off bonfire the night before! Our hope is to create an open, casual space for fellowship as we celebrate our community. S’more supplies and some lawn games will be on hand. Bring your own lawn chair and any outdoor games you enjoy playing! Stay the whole time or pop in for just a bit! 

Stewardship Celebration Breakfast Potluck

Sunday, October 13 after worship

At the end of our stewardship series, we’re hosting a potluck. As we gather our offerings to God’s mission through Shepherd of the Cross, we’ll also gather in celebration around food. To have a good spread, sign up to bring something! We’re looking for breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and drinks. Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office. 

Financial Position Update

This past Sunday, Council shared a financial update as we look to the fall. Numbers reported were:

General Funds Income (including rent payments): $81,028.33
General Funds Expenses: $86, 525.69
Difference between income and expenses: -$5,497.36

Since we began the summer, we have closed the gap of income to expenses by about $4000 (started the summer at -$9,518). Thank you for your support! Additionally, we have not taken money from savings this calendar year to cover expenses. 

However, we still need your support. As we return to our fall patterns, we encourage you to consider your giving and support the ministry of Jesus through Shepherd of the Cross. If you have any questions, talk to your Council members (Delene McConnaha, Gladys Reif, Erin Jorgensen, Kathy Dunham, Linda Adams, Melissa Booth, Joanne Drinkall, Connie Hoekstra). 

Shepherd Kid Days

October 18, January 20,
April 18

Last spring, our Shepherd kids gathered on Good Friday to learn about communion. This school year, we’re expanding that to offer three days throughout the school year. We’ll meet at SOTC from 9:00 – 11:00 am, each time focusing on a different topic (October: Stewardship and Service; January: Justice; April: Baptism)

For now, mark your calendars…and families – be on the look out for more information soon! If you know someone from outside SOTC that would like to participate, talk to Pastor Aleese.

Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3

As we look to fall, we’re also looking forward to SOTC’s (nearly) annual Soup Fest event. Once again, SOTC will host Soup Fest on the first Sunday of November. In time, we’ll be seeking bakers, cooks, servers, dish washers, and the like. For now, mark your calendars and let others know if they ask about this event!