
News & Events

Seeking Food Donations!

The SOTC council is excited to reboot our weekly food drive to help support our local MCSA food pantry! As the needs in our community grow, this is a great opportunity to come together and help those in need. 

Simply grab a non-perishable food item from your pantry and place it in the green tote found in the narthex. A volunteer will make sure items are delivered to MCSA in a timely manner. Some needed items are (pop top cans preferred):

  • bottled water
  • soup
  • peas
  • mixed veggies
  • meats
  • pineapple
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • toilet paper

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference in the lives of families facing hunger in the Muscatine area. Questions: talk to Gladys ReifMelissa Booth, or Kathy Dunham.

Upcoming Stewardship Emphasis Listen, God is Calling

Think of the last invitation you received. Perhaps it was for an event, a coffee date with a friend, or a meeting. Often, invitations are given by someone we have a relationship with and are given with the opportunity for a response. 

In the same way, God also offers us so many invitations. And, throughout our stewardship emphasis (Sept 29 – Oct 13) we’ll listen for God’s invitation to receive, to steward, and to serve. 

To participate even more fully in the invitations that are before us, our Stewardship Team invites you to consider the following opportunities: 

Saturday, September 28 | Bonfire, 6:30 – 8:30 pm 

Kick off our stewardship focus by celebrating our community! Bring your own lawn chair and any outdoor games you enjoy playing.

Sunday, October 6 & 13 | Return Pledge Cards and Posters

On Sunday, September 29, we will distribute a pledge card and a pledge poster. The pledge poster is meant as an exercise for an entire family/household. Consider, and pray over, how God is calling you in your lives, in our congregation, and in our community. Reflect on your responses, write them on the poster, and then bring it back to SOTC to tape to our window wall in the narthex. 

Financial pledge cards will also be distributed this year as an encourage to consider our commitment to fostering the mission of Jesus through Shepherd of the Cross. Though stewardship is more than money, money is also a part of the resources that God has entrusted to us. 

Sunday, October 6 | Sock-tober Drive begins

Live out your response to God’s generosity by serving others! We’ll collect socks for Laundry Love, an initiative that offers low-cost laundry services to Muscatine families and basic essentials. 

Sunday, October 13 | Celebration Breakfast Potluck

Celebrate the invitations God has given us and our collective response of praise! To have a good spread, sign up to bring something! We’re looking for breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and drinks. Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office. 

Muscatine CROP Hunger Walk

Sunday, October 6, @ 2:00pm, at the Riverfront

Muscatine is excited to host another CROP Hunger Walk, funding hunger initiatiatives close to home and domestically (25% of the money collected is returned to the Muscatine Community Food Pantry and Bag of Blessings at the Muscatine Community Schools). If you’re interested in joining the cause against hunger, here are some ways to participate:

  1. Donate to Shepherd’s Team | Give online any amount! Click the orange “Make a Donation” button on the side of the page. Enter your information and make sure to include that your donation is in support of Shepherd of the Cross. 
  2. Walk on October 6 | Contact Kathy or Pastor Aleese if you’d like to represent Shepherd and our contribution!
  3. Dine at Applebee’s on September 24, 11:00 am – 11:00 pm | Eat from the special menu and 50% of the meal price plus any tips/donations go to the Crop Walk. 

Z Book Club

September 30, @ 5:30pm, @ Diamond Daves

Zion’s book club is offering an invitation for others to join them! This month, they are reading  “Sorry Not Sorry,”a perfect laugh-out-loud romantic comedy by Sophie Ranald. The book is free right now on Kindle Unlimited.

If you’d like to join, contact Denise at Zion Lutheran Church (563-263-5074).

Shepherd Kid Days

October 18, January 20,
April 18

Last spring, our Shepherd kids gathered on Good Friday to learn about communion. This school year, we’re expanding that to offer three days throughout the school year. We’ll meet at SOTC from 9:00 – 11:00 am, each time focusing on a different topic (October: Stewardship and Service; January: Justice; April: Baptism)

For now, mark your calendars…and families – be on the look out for more information soon! If you know someone from outside SOTC that would like to participate, talk to Pastor Aleese.

Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3

As we look to fall, we’re also looking forward to SOTC’s (nearly) annual Soup Fest event. Once again, SOTC will host Soup Fest on the first Sunday of November. In time, we’ll be seeking bakers, cooks, servers, dish washers, and the like. For now, mark your calendars and let others know if they ask about this event!