LSI Angel Tree
Donations due by November 29
Thank you to all who picked up a tag to make Christmas special for kids in Muscatine! Reminder: donations are due by November 29. Spending limit of $20/child for an educational toy. Questions? Contact the main office.
“Sock”tober Drive Results
Well done, Shepherds! Our collection of socks at SOTC and the socks purchased through a Thrivent Action Grant totaled 394 pairs. Socks are often one of the most requested yet under-donated items for outreach programs. This contribution will surely be aprreciated by those in our community.

Congregational Budget Meeting
Meeting Sunday, November 24 following worship
Each fall, our teams, along with Council, put together a budget to plan for ministry in the upcoming year. Proposed 2025 budget, addendum, and agenda for our congregational meetig on November 24 are linked. Questions? Talk to Delene McConnaha.
Looking toward Advent: Words for the Beginning
Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year rushes in. Christ’s birth usheres us into new ways of living and love – and yet, we feel the weight of many things coming to an end. The world as we know it spins madly on. So what are the reminders we will need in order to move faithfully through this threshold?
Much like a parent reminds a child of the words they are to hold close, God reminds us of the words that we are to hold close to our hearts. These words often are blessings, and have the potential to shape our lives whether in joy or in uncertainty. This coming season, we’ll be surrounding ourselves with these blessings – wrapping them around us as if wrapping ourselves in a warm quilt.
If you’re interested in learning more, and immersing yourself in our Advent theme, resources (devotional booklet, Advent calendars for kids and families) will be available Sunday, November 17. We look forward to preparing ourselves for the joy of Christ’s birth among us this season!
Order now through December 8
Our Altar Guild and Worship and Music Teams are looking forward to a meaningful Advent and Christmas season centered around the theme, “Words for the Beginning.” To decorate for the season, we’re looking for people to sponsor poinsettias to use in the sanctuary. See the sign up sheet in the narthex or contact the main office. Plants are $13.00 each.
Christmas Eve Worship
December 24; 4:00 p.m.
As you begin planning your holiday schedules with family, be sure to worship with us! Worship on Christmas Eve will be at 4:00 p.m. at SOTC.