Our Life Together

News & Events

Advent has begun!

Have you picked up your Advent devotional or calendar? Printed copies are in the narthex under the bulletin board. Here you will find an Advent calendar for your family’s use, and check out the individual devotional booklets available to Shepherd. Due to copyright, we are unable to publish those devotionals digitally, but will be sharing portions of them on our social media channels. Stay up to date with all things Advent-Christmas by checking the Advent-Christmas page on our website!

Christmas Poinsettias

By Sunday, December 5

Last chance to order a poinsettia in honor/memory of a loved one! Cost for poinsettias is $12. Not at the church, but want to get your name on the list? Contact Kathy

Close to Home Bulletin Board

Don’t forget to bring your “home” pictures to church to add to our bulletin board! Bring a picture of you and your “home” or a picture that signifies what is “home” to you. Once at church, use the white notecards to add your name and a brief description. Help us learn from each other what “home” means!

LSI Angel Tree

Return by Sunday, December 12

This year, we are helping provide gifts for families through Lutheran Services of Iowa (LSI). Our Service Team has assembled an angel tree on the glass windows in the narthex with tags indicating gifts needed for children (boys and girls). Each child will receive either diapers/underwear and an educational toy. If you’d like to support a child, take a tag when at church, or contact Kathy Dunham who can sign you up.  Gifts (unwrapped) are to be returned to Shepherd by December 12.  Thank you for supporting families in Muscatine!

Upcoming Holiday Concerts in the Community

Looking to support our Shepherds in holiday concerts this year? Or, looking for an opportunity to get in the holiday spirit? Here’s a list of concerts we are aware of. Feel free to share other concerts/dates/times with the church office and we will share with the congregation!

Muscatine Symphony Holiday Concert | Free! Bring a canned food item to share as a part of a community drive
Saturday, December 4 @ 7:00 pm

MHS Holiday Orchestra Concert | Featuring MHS Orchestras
Tuesday, December 7 @ 7:30 pm

MHS Holiday Glow Concert | Featuring MHS choirs and MHS Symphony
Friday, December 10 @ 7:00 pm

MHS Holiday Band Concert | Featuring MHS bands
Saturday, December 11 @ 3:00 pm

Wesley Service of Lessons and Carols | Featuring Muscatine youth choirs, adult choirs, and string quartet
Sunday, December 12 @ 2:00 pm

SOTC Christmas Party

Sunday, December 12
6:00 – 7:30 pm

Mark your calendars for a night of games, fellowship and fun! Those who attend are invited to bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share. Games will include some Christmas-inspired activities, along with other generic games suited for children and adults of all ages.

Caroling at Sunnybrook

Sunday, December 19
10:45 am

Singing Christmas carols together is always a ton of fun, but it’s even more fun to help others smile! Following worship and fellowship on Sunday, December 19, we’ll carpool over to Sunnybrook to carol for residents. We’ll provide songbooks. All you need to bring is your voice, a facemask, and maybe a Santa hat or Christmas apparel! All ages welcome!