SOTC Christmas Party Blast!
Thank you to all those who attended our Christmas Party! It was a fun early evening filled with sharing cookies, playing games, singing Christmas songs, and telling funny or favorite Christmas stories. Below are a few pictures of our Shepherds writing one word that has to do with Christmas A-Z. A few letters took some thought and creativity.
Christmas Breakfast Food Bags for Salvation Army
Return by Sunday, December 15
We only have 5 bags left! Bags will be given to families in need to provide a Chrismtas breakfast. Food bags need to be filled with pancake mix, biscuit mix, pancake syrup, juice, oatmeal, chocolate chips, country gravy (approximate $20 to fill the bag)
If you’re willing, Salvation Army is also requesting a $20 donation to cover the cost of fresh produce (milk, eggs, butter, meat). Because this is going above and beyond, if you’re not able to offer that additional donation, SOTC will assist with this cost from either the Sunday School fund or our Discretionary Fund. If you write a check: make checks out to Shepherd of the Cross. Then, we’ll write one check to Salvation Army.
Bags are available in the narthex for pick up. Questions? Contact Kathy or Pastor Aleese.
Christmas Eve and Post-Christmas Services
Christmas Eve worship will be at 4:00 pm. For a full list of services around Christmas, check out the main page of our website.
Year End Offerings
Sunday December 29 will be the last date SOTC will receive donations for the 2024 year. All donations following that date will be deposited/counted in the new year.
2025 Offering Envelopes
If you would like offering envelopes for 2025 see the sign up sheet in the narthex or contact the main office. Please sign up by December 15.
No Women’s Group in December
For clarification, we will NOT have Women’s Group in December. See below for news about our January Women’s Epiphany Party!
Congregational Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 26
Mark your calendars for our annual meeting following worship on January 26. Annual report, agenda, and items for discussion will be shared in the new year.
Women’s Epiphany Party
Saturday, January 11, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
It’s back! All women are invited to our Epiphany Party on Sat, January 11. More details to come re what we’re doing and food. Mark your calendars now and stay tuned!