Community Diaper Bank Drive Total!
Through your donations, we collected 5,923 diapers for the Community Diaper Bank! That will be 236 packs of diapers distribited to families in the greater Muscatine area. Thank you for your contributions and thank you for sharing God’s love in our community!
Blessings to Delene
This past Sunday we offered a blessing for Delene who is moving to Nebraska. Delene – you will be dearly missed! We pray God’s blessing on you as you continue your journey, trusting that in God’s love we are always connected!

Chocolate Fest
Sunday, March 2
In traditional Shepherd custom, we will host Chocolate Fest following worship this coming Sunday. This coming weekend marks the last Sunday before Lent (Transfiguration Sunday) and is meant to be a “feast” day before entering into the reflective season of Lent. For those who are new to this tradition, the instruction is simple! Everyone (yes, everyone!) bring a chocolate dish to share during fellowship. Then, we’ll all feast!
Ash Wednesday Worship
Wednesday, March 5 @ 7:00pm
Our journey into the season of Lent begins with a call to “return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful.” Together in worship we’ll confess our sin, receive God’s forgiveness, practice the imposition of ashes, and partake in the sacrament of communion.
Unable to join us at 7:00? Join our fellow ELCA congregations:
Zion – 5:30 pm
Grace – 6:00 pm
Collaborative Lent Opportunities
This Lent we are excited to announce that we are collaborating with Faith Together Muscatine (with Zion, Grace, and New Era) for Lenten Midweek worship, meal and Family Faith Nights and a special Easter Vigil worship service and meal.
Midweek Lenten Worship – Meal – Family Faith Nights
5:30 | Worship
6:00 | Meal
6:30 | Family Faith Nights
Join us for part, or all, of the night! If you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex starting Sunday. Adults – if you’re not a part of a Family Faith Night group and would like to be a part of a Lent faith formation group, indicate your interest on a sign up soon. (Kids and youth can always hop in on the groups already going!)
Easter Vigil Worship Service and Meal
4:00 | Worship
5:30 | Meal
Easter Vigil moves us from the darkness of Good Friday into the joy and celebration of Easter. After celebrating the news of Christ’s resurrection, we’ll feast in joy with one another across our congregations. Sign up in the narthex if you plan to eat with us.
For clarity – Ash Wednesday (7:00), Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday (7:00), Good Friday (7:00), and Easter Sunday worship services will be hosted at SOTC.
Come and take part in what you can! We’re looking forward to a formative Lenten journey together.
National Lutheran Choir Concert
Friday, February 28, 7:30pm @ Luther College, Decorah
This Friday the National Lutheran Choir, led by Dr. Jennaya Robison, is coming to Decorah on their regional tour. This powerful program is entitled, “Healing: Body and Spirit.” There is no charge to attend this performance, but all attendees must secure a ticket. Go to the Luther Box Office website to reserve yours today!
Shepherd Kids Day
Friday, April 18 @ 9:00 am
Once again our kids will be gathering for a Shepherds Kids Day on Good Friday. Focus of our time will be on worship: why do it? and why do we do all the things we do in worship?
Parents of elementary aged kids will be contacted soon. If you have questions, contact Pastor Aleese or an Education Team member (Mackenzie Gilbert, Connie Hoektra, Judy Bartling, Bruce Selking).
Christian Day Camp Registration
Opens Monday, March 10!
Calling all preschoolers, elementary kids, and middle school youth! We have another great summer lined up for Christian Day Camp just for you! New website for camp will be launched March 1 where you can register in minutes. In the meantime, check these dates on your calendar so you’re set and ready to register!
Elementary Session 1: June 10 -13
Elementary Session 2: June 17-20
Middle School: June 24 – 27
Preschool Nights: June 9, 16, 23