Ash Wednesday Worship
TOMORROW, Wednesday, March 5 @ 7:00pm
Our journey into the season of Lent begins with a call to “return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful.” Together in worship we’ll confess our sin, receive God’s forgiveness, practice the imposition of ashes, and partake in the sacrament of communion.
Unable to join us at 7:00? Join our fellow ELCA congregations:
Zion – 5:30 pm
Grace – 6:00 pm
Easter Flowers
Sunday, March 9
Want to help make Easter morning extra special? We are wanting to add 15 plants to decorate our santuary. Cost is $13 per plant. Sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy with how many and who you would like the plant in memory/honor of.
Christian Day Camp Registration Now Open!
Calling all preschoolers, elementary kids, and middle school youth! We have another great summer lined up for Christian Day Camp just for you! New website for camp has just been launched where you can register in minutes.
Check out the session dates below, check your calendar, and then head to the website for more information! Volunteers – we need you too! Sign up through our website.
Elementary Session 1: June 10 -13
Elementary Session 2: June 17-20
Middle School: June 24 – 27
Preschool Nights: June 9, 16, 23
Midweek Lenten Worship – Meal – Family Faith Nights
Beginning Wednesday, March 12
After Ash Wednesday, we will be gathering with Zion, Grace, and New Era for midweek worship, meal, and Family Faith Nights.
5:30 | Worship
6:00 | Meal
6:30 | Family Faith Nights
Join us for part, or all, of the night! If you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex or contact the church office.
Adults – if you’re not a part of a Family Faith Night group and would like to be a part of a Lent faith formation group, email Andy Christy. (Kids and youth can always hop in on the groups already going!)
Easter Vigil Worship Service and Meal
Easter Vigil moves us from the darkness of Good Friday into the joy and celebration of Easter. Worship will begin with a campfire outside (weather permitting), interactive Scriptures, song, prayer, remembrance of baptism, and Holy Communion.
After celebrating the news of Christ’s resurrection, we’ll feast in joy with one another across our congregations with a meal. Buns and meat will be provided; congregations will be asked to help provide either side dishes or deserts. To help plan for food, if you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex or contact Pastor Aleese.
Holy Week Worship
Our last leg of Lent brings us to Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday.
Palm Sunday, April 13 – 9:00 am worship with procession of palms
Maundy Thursday, April 17 – 7:00 pm worship with Holy Communion
Good Friday, April 18 – 7:00 pm worship
Easter Vigil, April 19 (New Era) – 4:00 pm worship; 5:30 pm meal
Easter Sunday, April 20 – 9:00 am festival worship
Support of Ukrainian Refugees in Muscatine Area
Several weeks ago we announced that some of the Ukrainian families who sought refuge in the Muscatine area may need financial assistance. Since then, many of these families have decided to apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS).
There is still a cost to applying for, and the process, of obtaining Temporary Protected Status. To assist with these fees, Muscatine Sister Cities is in the process of setting up a charitable fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine. This is expected to be finalized in the near future. For more information, contact Deb Hueser.
If you are seeking an avenue to give now, consider giving toward Global Refuge, an organization rooted in the Lutheran church that supports immigrants and refugees in the United States.
Shepherd Kids Day
Friday, April 18 @ 9:00 am
Once again our kids will be gathering for a Shepherds Kids Day on Good Friday. Focus of our time will be on worship: why do it? and why do we do all the things we do in worship?
Parents of elementary aged kids will be contacted soon. If you have questions, contact Pastor Aleese or an Education Team member (Mackenzie Gilbert, Connie Hoektra, Judy Bartling, Bruce Selking).
Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt
Before worshipping our risen Lord, join us for fellowship and fun!
Easter Breakfast, 8:00 am – donuts, muffins, yogurt, fruit, juice and coffee
Easter Egg Hunt, 8:30 am – outside weather permitting! All kids invited!