
News & Events:

Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 23 following worship

Each year we gather in an annual meeting of the congregation. We use this time to elect new leaders for the coming year and attend to congregational business. But we also use this time as a chance to look back in reflection and forward in hope. Join us for our annual meeting and take a look at our 2021 Annual Report!

Shepherding Team Sign Up

For the past few years, each Jan/Feb we have asked the congregation to consider being a part of a Shepherding Team (Worship and Music, Education, Social, etc.). Per our organizational structure, team members are not elected. Instead, all are welcome to serve on whatever team(s) they feel they are being called to based on your skills/gifts. 

In the narthex, we have transformed our Advent “Close to Home” bulletin board into a giant sign-up board. If you would like to serve on a Shepherding Team, sign up at the church or using this Sign Up Genius link

Currently serving on a team and would like to continue? Please re-sign up so we know your intent to continue serving. 

If you have any questions, contact Kathy Dunham or Delene McConnaha

SOTC Game Night

Saturday, February 5 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Take a break from the winter cold and join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring your favorite games and an appetizer to share for our meal. If you’re willing to bring a liter of pop and/or help in the kitchen during the evening, contact Colleen Bentz or Kathy Dunham

Not able to join us in-person for worship? 
Join us via our livestream!

In the past few years, as a congregation, we have grown accustomed to providing a digital opportunity for people to join us in our worship. This fall, we needed to temporarily stop our livestreaming as we were having technological issues. In the meantime, we still recorded worship and uploaded those videos to our church YouTube channel

Since then, thanks to our Technology Team, our technological issues have been resolved. Because of this, and because our Worship and Music Team is mindful that people may not be able to attend in-person worship because of quarantining from COVID and/or winter weather concerns, we are resuming our livestream of worship. 

Livestream link is always available on our website and in our weekly email announcements. 

If you have any questions regarding this decision, talk to one of your Worship and Music Team members: Matt Bentz, Delene McConnaha, Amy Bakke, Joseph Reddy, Bob Danner and Becky DeBlaey. 

Lenten Opportunities

This year, the season of Lent begins on Wednesday, March 2. That evening, we will observe Ash Wednesday in worship at 7pm. On each Wednesday following, our Worship and Music Team and Education Team are considering various options to offer to the congregation. So as to have a sense of what the congregation is interested in participating this year, we are seeking your input. Please complete this survey or complete the paper copy found in the narthex. 

Adult Education to Resume

Sunday, January 30

Adult Education will resume on Sundays following worship/a time of fellowship. Tentative topic is an overview of the Gospel of Luke. This year, we will hear primarily from the Gospel of Luke in worship. Our hope is that in getting a birds-eye view of this Gospel, we will be better able to engage in Scripture as it is read in worship. More details to come soon.