
News & Events:

Lenten Midweek Schedule Feedback

We need to hear from you!

Our Worship and Music and Education Teams have begun making plans for our Lenten journey. We have a few questions, especially in regards to midweek Lenten worship services and meals, so as to gauge the interest and timing of our evening together. Please complete a survey here to help us determine what is best for the whole of our community! Thank you!

Christians Underground to Resume!

Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm, starting February 16

Prior to the pandemic, we often met at a restaurant downtown for Bible study and fellowship. For various reasons, this group subsided. However, recently there seems to be an interest in reviving such a group. 

To get going again, we will meet weekly on Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. at Geo Johnz Pizza (203 E 2nd Street). The topic of study/conversation will likely begin by focusing on the upcoming Sunday readings. In the future, we may decide to work our way through a book of the Bible.  Join us to offer your suggestions and what you’re looking for! Questions? Talk to Pastor Aleese.

Souper Bowl of Caring Drive

Sunday, February 6 and 13

As many celebrate Super Bowl weekend, let’s work together to fill the Muskie Locker at Susan Clark Junior High! We’ll be collecting the following items on Sunday, Feb. 6 and 13:

  • deodorant (male and female)
  • toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • hoodies
  • sweatshirts
  • adult gloves and hats
  • trappers

All donations must be new (not used). Cash/check donations are also accepted. Questions? Contact Colleen Bentz

Welcome to the Carter’s, Sullivan’s and Passmore’s!

Sunday, February 20

Our flock is growing! During worship on Sunday we will be offering prayer and blessing for the Carter, Sullivan, and Passmore families as they join our family of faith. Mark your calendars to join us for worship and a time of fellowship to get to know them better and offer your welcome!

Pastor Aleese Continuing Education

February 11 – 14

Pastor Aleese will be attending the ELCA Extravaganza (a youth leader networking conference) from Feb 11 – 14. She will also be receiving training to lead our synod’s “Synod Day” at the upcoming ELCA Youth Gathering. During her time away, Pastor Willie Rosin (Zion Lutheran) will be available for pastoral emergencies. Pastor Marv Robeck will serve as supply preacher/presider along with lay leaders on Sun, Feb. 14. 

Summer Camp Registration at EWALU

Though it’s quite cold outside, our Lutheran Outdoor Ministry camps are looking ahead to summer! If you have a child in grades 1-12, consider spending a day, half-week, or week at Camp EWALU.  Early bird registration (deducting $40 from your registration cost) goes through March 1.  Check out EWALU’s website for a full list of camp opportunities! Contact Pastor Aleese if your child is considering camp as Shepherd may be able to provide a camping scholarship.

Tone Chime Rehearsals to Resume 

After a brief break over the holidays, our tone chime choir will be coming back together soon!  Watch for more information from Jon Thoma regarding when rehearsals will begin again. 

Want to be involved but were not before? Email Jon directly.