
News & Events

Lenten Midweek Meals and Worship

Starting Wednesday, March 16

5:30 – 6:15 pm | Meal 
6:30 – 7:15 pm | Worship Service

Our worship service will use the first half of the Holden Evening Prayer Service and then will spend time looking at the previous Sundays’ Scripture/theme. 

March 16 Menu: Walking Taco’s

If you’re willing to help provide food for a meal, please sign up below. Each group of people will determine what they would like to serve. Sign up here or on the signup sheet in the narthex. Questions re meals? Contact Colleen Bentz, team lead for our Social Team.

Easter Flowers

Sign up between March 6 – March 27

Would you like to purchase flowers to help SOTC decorate for Easter? There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex or you may contact the office. Please indicate who you would like the flowers to be in honor or memory of. The cost is $10 per flower.

Can you help make laundry soap? 

Help us get off to a great start this Lent! We’re collecting raw materials to help families in the Muscatine community make their own laundry soap, and are looking for the following items:

  • baking soda (4 lb. boxes)
  • borax (4 lb. boxes)
  • Fels Naptha bar soap
  • Oxi Clean (4 lb. containers)
  • Washing soda

We’ll gather materials throughout the season, and then our Family Faith Night crew will put these raw materials together to make laundry soap to benefit the families of Lutheran Services of Iowa (LSI). Want to get in on the fun? Mark your calendars now to join us at Grace on April 20 at 6:30 p.m.!

New Contact Directory!

Looking to contact your fellow Shepherds? Or, looking to get in touch with some of our new member families? Take a look at our updated contact directory! Revised narrative directory coming soon. Go to the members-only section of our website. If you have forgotten our password, contact the office.

Eastern Europe Crisis Response

Lutheran Disaster Response is accompanying our companions in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, as well as such ecumenical partners as Lutheran World Federation and Church World Service, in their humanitarian responses to the crisis. These partners provide refugees with immediate support and supplies such as food, blankets, water, and hygiene kits. If you would like to help support these efforts, give here.

Bishop Current is coming to SOTC!

Sunday, April 10

In a desire to connect with congregations within the Southeastern Iowa Synod, the Office of the Bishop for the Southeastern Iowa Synod offered to visit SOTC to catch a glimpse of what ministry looks like in this place! To that end, we are excited to welcome Bishop Amy Current on Sun, April 10. She will preach and preside over communion, and remain with us for fellowship and our education hour. Make sure to join us as we offer a warm welcome and as we celebrate Palm Sunday!


June 19-24

The word is out! In lieu of the ELCA Youth Gathering, our High School Youth will be participating in the Uplifted program at Camp EWALU. 

In addition, we are taking a crew to confirmation camp. If you have a youth in confirmation, or a youth who will soon be beginning thier confirmation journey, talk to Pastor Aleese for more information. 

Have younger kids? There are opportunities for other ages that week as well!

Let’s fill some vans and drive north! For more information, check out EWALU’s list of summer camps. High Schoolers and confirmation youth are asked to confirm with Pastor Aleese by March 20 if they are interested in attending.