Our Life Together

News & Events

Update on Building Usage

The church building is now open to the congregation for office hours and small group events. For further information regarding safety, disinfecting, and any restrictions, click here.

Fall Office Hours

Effective August 24, office hours will be:

Kathy (Office Manager) – Mondays (1-4pm), Tuesdays (1-3pm), Wednesdays (9-11am)

Pastor Aleese – Tuesdays (1-3pm), Wednesdays (9-11am), Thursdays (3-5pm)

God’s Work Our Hands Volunteer Opportunity

Looking for a way to help those impacted by the derecho? We are aiming to have a day of service in the Cedar Rapids/Marion area on Sunday, September 13. Pastor Aleese is working with a colleague in that area. It is likely that there will still be work needed to be done for individuals/families and for some of the churches that were hit the hardest. More details to come, but if you’re interested, mark off Sunday, September 13 and let Pastor Aleese know of your interest.  We will need tools to take along with us. 

For those not able to help with the heavier service projects, note that we will be in touch in the coming weeks as to what supplies we could collect and bring north for those in need. 

Our aim is to gather Sunday morning for a brief devotion/prayer and collection of supplies before sending our crew north. Plan to join us if you have the morning free! 

Combined Total Contribution to Muscatine Food Pantry!

We’ve received totals from Grace! Grace raised $524.07. Added to our collection of $341.54, between the two congregations, we contributed a total of $865.61. Way to go Shepherds, and thank you for your support of our community!

Women’s Group

Women’s Group meets on the second Saturday of the month at 8:30 a.m. Women of all ages are welcome to join us as we share in fellowship and Bible Study.

Dear Church Book Club 

This fall, we are continuing our reading of Dear Church by Rev. Lenny Duncan.  Rev. Duncan is an African American pastor in the ELCA and writes from his perspective calling the church to action today. Contact Pastor Aleese if you are interested in joining our discussion. We meet again Thursday, September 15 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.