
News & Events

Bishop Current is coming to SOTC!

Sunday, April 10

We have an awesome opportunity in a couple of weeks to welcome Bishop Amy Current, bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod, to SOTC! In an effort to better connect with congregations in the synod, members of the synod staff have been visiting congregations in person. 

At the same time, Bishop Current has been meeting (via Zoom) with over 100 congregations in the synod in an effort to learn the hopes, fears, and sense of mission within various congregations. Though completely separate from Bishop Current’s visit on April 10, Shepherd recently had the opportunity to participate in this virtual conversation as well.  For this conversation, Pastor Aleese was asked to bring together our Council president (Delene McConnaha) and two other lay leaders. To round out the conversation, Pastor Aleese asked Heather Allen (previous Council president) and Mackenzie Gilbert (current Council liaison) to join the conversation.  Ask any one of these people how the conversation went and they can assure you that the conversation was incredibly positive and affirming of Shepherd!

If you’d like to hear more about this conversation, stop Delene, Heather, Mackenzie, or Pastor Aleese when you see them. And, if you’d like to help us welcome Bishop Current in true Shepherd form, join us on April 10 as we celebrate Palm Sunday!

Find out more about Bishop Current.

Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt

Breakfast | 8:00am
Egg Hunt | 8:30 am

Join us on Easter morning for fellowship and fun before worship! Families of youth attending camp will be serving breakfast starting at 8:00 am. We likely will need some help from other families to provide egg casseroles, fruit, and muffins. If you are willing to help, here is the link to sign up. Questions, contact Leslie Eichelberger or Colleen Bentz

Our annual Egg Hunt will be outside (weather permitting). All are welcome to join us! Please be mindful that the egg hunt will begin promptly at 8:30 so we can transition to worship starting at 9:00 am. 

Willing to help gather candy and assemble eggs? Congregation members are invited to bring candy and put it in the box in the narthex. We’ll assemble eggs on Sunday, April 10 during fellowship. 

March 30 Lenten Midweek Meals and Worship

A reminder that we continue to gather for a meal from 5:30-6:15 pm and worship from 6:30-7:15 pm. This Wednesday we will take another look at our Gospel reading and consider God’s role and our role in repentance and bearing fruit.

March 30 Menu is: Baked potato bar, mac, and cheese, dessert

Supplies needed to make laundry soap? 

We need you, Shepherds! We’re joining with Grace this Lent to collect items to make laundry soap for families in our community.  Challenge yourself to bring one of these items each week between now and the end of Lent! 

  • baking soda (4 lb. boxes)
  • borax (4 lb. boxes)
  • Fels Naptha bar soap
  • Oxi Clean (4 lb. containers)
  • Washing soda

Holy Week at SOTC

Be sure to mark your calendars to join us as we remember the final week of Christ’s life. All are welcome!

Palm Sunday Worship
Sunday, April 10 @ 9:00 am
(note: we will process outside, weather permitting. We will begin in the narthex, process out the side door, onto the sidewalk, and around the church parking lot.)

Maundy Thursday Worship
Thursday, April 14 @ 7:00 pm
(note: will NOT include a meal as has sometimes been the case in previous years)

Good Friday Worship
Friday, April 15 @ 7:00 pm

Easter Sunday Worship
Sunday, April 17 @ 9:00 am

Family Night @ SOTC

Sun, April 10 @ 6:00 pm

This February, a small group of families gathered together for a meal and fellowship to help welcome some of our new member families. Since then, it’s clear that there is a hunger for more fellowship among young adults and families with youth PreK-High School. 

This group is not meant to be exclusive; rather, the goal is to bring together people of similar life experiences to grow together in relationship and in faith. 

If you haven’t been able to join us yet, mark your calendars for our April gathering. Know that Pastor Aleese will be in touch via email with further details.