
News & Events

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!  

What a celebration of Christ’s resurrection this past weekend!  It was a joy to gather with you all, and your extended families, as we ate together, searched for eggs, and offered our worship to our risen Lord! 

Looking to hear more from our synod?

After Bishop Current’s visit with us on Palm Sunday, if you’re looking to stay up to date on various synod events, subscribe to the weekly Southeastern Iowa eNews. Pastor Aleese often shares information from these messages, but if you’d like to dive deeper into our connection with the churches we walk together with in our synod and the entire ELCA, subscribe now!

Family Faith Nights Resume

Wednesday, April 20 @ 6:30 pm @ Grace

After a hiatus for the season of Lent, we pick back up with our Family Faith Nights in collaboration with Grace this week. This week, our elementary, middle school and adult groups will be all together for a service night. Join the fun as we mix laundry soap with the materials that you all helped provide through Lent! All are welcome!

Beginning Wednesday, April 27, elementary, middle school, and adult groups will resume their schedule of content. 

Christians Underground Resumes

Wednesday, April 20 @ 12:00 pm, Geo Johnz Pizza

The Easter season has only just begun! Join us as we begin our journey through 50 days of basking in the light of the resurrection. We meet each week to discuss our upcoming Sunday’s Scripture readings. All are welcome!

Women’s Group Bible Study

Saturday, April 23 @ 8:30 am

After rescheduling earlier this month, we are excited to complete our four-month series on the Kingdom of God! In March, we learned that the Gospel of John often refers to “eternal life” as life that is not only eternally long, but also eternally deep – life that is endless in value and meaning. 

But what about what happens when we die? In our final session, we’ll learn about the “glory that awaits us” according to Scripture. Make plans to join us for conversation, prayer, and fellowship!

Easter Sunday Adult Education

Begins Sunday, May 1
Study Focus: Acts

Following Easter, our Adult Education group will begin a new study on the book of Acts. Often titled “the Acts of the Apostles”, together we’ll discover that the book of Act more clearly points to “the Acts of the Holy Spirit”!

Throughout the season of Easter, we’ll be hearing readings from the book of Acts. So join us as we dive a little deeper, gain a better context of our Scripture readings and open ourselves to the work of the Spirit in the church today.

Camp EWALU Work Day 

Saturday, May 7, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Camp EWALU (Strawberry Point) is looking toward a full summer of campers! To help get ready, volunteers will be gathering to attend to some projects. There are projects for all skill levels: splitting wood, trial upkeep, building benches, replanting the butterfly garden, construction of a screened-in shelter, and many other jobs. Lunch is provided. 

For more information, check out the EWALU event page. If you’d like to volunteer your time, contact Paul Frantsen, property manager of EWALU.

Inclusive Dialogue: Journey through Uncertainty

Monday, May 23 @ 6:30pm

What is it like to grow up in a refugee camp? The Stanley Center invites you to join a special event as author Omar Mohamed tells his story of living in a refugee camp in Kenya through his book When Stars are Scattered. Omar will be joined by Victoria Jamieson, artist and writer. 

This event will be held both in person at the Merrill Hotel and virtually. Registration is required to attend, and either option is free and open to the public. This event is recommended for students 5th grade and up. This is a great opportunity to read an illuminating graphic novel with a child in your life and attend the event together!

Family Night @ SOTC

Sunday, May 1 @ 6:00 pm

Attention all young adults and families with youth grade 12 and below!

You are invited to join us for a night of fellowship, food, fun, and a brief devotional activity.  For a few months, our families have been gathering to mutually support one another and to grow in faith together, and we’d love to have you!

Meal is provided as a part of our evening together. We wrap up by 7:30 pm. 

Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese. Note that Mackenzie Gilbert will be reaching out to families about one week prior to our event to confirm your attendance and to plan a joint potluck-ed meal.