Graduate Recognition
Kelsey Drake and Grant Jorgensen
Sundays, May 22 and 29
As the school year draws to a close, we have the privilege of honoring two graduates within our congregation! Due to scheduling, we will be honoring Kelsey and Grant on two separate Sundays. Be sure to join us for worship as we offer a blessing to our grads, offer them a gift on behalf of the congregation, and join in a special time of fellowship following worship! Congrats Kelsey and Grant on your achievements!
Interested in a Camp Out @ SOTC this Summer?
In previous years, we’ve hosted a camp out on SOTC grounds. Remembering how much fun it was, it’s been suggested to have a campout again this summer!
If you’re interested in participating (or even joining us for a bonfire and games night), please fill out this form by Tuesday, May 17 so we can set up a date. Thanks!
Final Family Faith Night this Week!
Wednesday, May 18, 6:30pm @ Grace
It’s this week! Join us as we celebrate the confirmation of youth completing thier confirmation sequence! Though Shepherd is not confirming youth this year, Grace is excited to confirm 4 of thier youth. So as to include leaders and families who have been a part of the joint Family Faith Nights throughout this year, Grace has elected to host confirmation on a Wednesday evening rather than during Sunday morning worship. ALL are welcome for worship at 6:30 followed by a dessert reception.
Did You Spot Jesus this Sunday?
Jesus ascended to new heights this past weekend as he was “hidden” on top of our projector! Remind your kids to look for where Jesus is hidden each week through June 5. Then, tell Pastor Aleese where you found Jesus. Make plans to join us this weekend for worship!

Sending of Thoma Family
Sunday, June 12
Once a Shepherd…always a Shepherd! This summer, the Thoma family will be departing our community this summer to move to Ames. To send them off, we will offer them a blessing as a part of worship during thier last Sunday with us. Be sure to join us as we bless the Thoma’s, and as we wish them well with a special fellowship hour to follow!
Pentecost and Welcome of New Member!
The Day of Pentecost marks the end of the season of Easter. Referencing Acts 2, together we will remember the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Jerusalem, and will open ourselves in worship to receive that same Spirit. As this Sunday focuses on the work of the Spirit, we invite the congregation to wear red!
To make the Sunday even more festive, we will also be welcoming Connie Hoekstra as a new member during worship. Join us as we gather with one another, by the power of the Spirit, and join us as we welcome Connie into our flock!