Bonfire Night
Saturday, October 17 @ 6:00 p.m.
It feels like fall…so let’s enjoy it! Join us with a lawn chair and we’ll provide the rest. We’ll have some s’mores packets already pre-assembled for you (graham cracker, chocolate, and a marshmallow). These packets will be pre-assembled so as to ensure safe food handling. Given that we will be gathering outside, we feel confident that we can maintain a safe environment while we briefly remove our masks to enjoy some s’mores.
Family Faith Nights
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
We’re trying something a bit different this school year, and we want to be sure that EVERYONE feels included! On Wed evenings we will have an hour together to connect with Christ and with each other. Most weeks, we’ll break into age specific groups (elementary, junior and senior high students and adults). However, some weeks, we’ll stay together as a large group and do some cross-generational activities. If you’re looking for more information, check out this video that Pastor Aleese put together. Join us for a night, and see what we’re talking about!
SOTC at Halloween “Magic in Motion”!
Friday, October 30, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Saulsbury Campground
If you haven’t heard already, the Muscatine County Conservation Board will be hosting a drive-through Halloween experience at Saulsbury for kids and adults of all ages! Free admission, but a donation for the Muscatine Food Pantry or the Muscatine Humane Society is requested. Support this event!
But here’s the deal: we’re looking for your help! We (as a congregation) have the opportunity to decorate a campsite as participants drive through the campground for a Halloween experience. We need people to set up, be at the site from 6:30-8, and tear down. If you’re interested in helping, contact Dave Bakke (563-299-8967).
Halloween/All Saints Day Fellowship
Sunday, November 1 following worship
In lieu of a Trunk-or-Treat this year, we will be having a time of fellowship and games on Sun, Nov 1 for both kids AND adults! The intent of the day will be to celebrate both Halloween and All Saints Day (Did you know? They’re actually connected a bit!) Make sure to come in costume and stick around for games and activities!
Names for All Saints Day Litany
By Wednesday, October 28
As is our custom, we remember saints who have been baptized and who have died in the past year in a litany during worship for All Saints Day. If you have a family member or close friend that you would like remembered as a part of the litany, contact Kathy with their name by Wednesday, October 28. Questions? Talk to Pastor Aleese or Kathy.
Bible and Breakfast?
Recently, we have gathered that our Christians Underground group is not working for people’s schedules. Therefore, we are CANCELLING Christians Underground until further notice, and are considering trying something different. So, if you are looking for a fellowship opportunity, while also spending a bit of time in the previous or upcoming Sunday Scripture readings, over some coffee/breakfast, contact Pastor Aleese. We are considering gathering on a Thursday morning, but are open to the schedules of those who are interested in attending. Time TBD; likely around 7am.