Welcome to Connie Hoekstra!
Reminded of the Spirit who gathers us as one this Pentecost Sunday, we also had the privilege of welcoming Connie as one in our flock! We look forward to walking this journey with you, Connie! Thanks for offering your warm welcome, Shepherds!

Sending of Thoma Family
Sunday, June 12
Once a Shepherd…always a Shepherd! This summer, the Thoma family will be departing our community this summer to move to Ames. To send them off, we will offer them a blessing as a part of worship during their last Sunday with us. Be sure to join us as we bless the Thoma’s, and as we wish them well with a special fellowship hour to follow!
Update for Summer Book Group
We have a group that is looking forward to reading Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis this summer! That group is coordinating schedules this coming week. If you’ve been thinking of joining us, it’s not too late! If you’d like to hop on board, contact Pastor Aleese and she’ll fill you in with details.
Take Flat Jesus with you this summer!
Throughout the season of Easter, we have been “finding” Jesus in our sanctuary. But just because the Spirit has come on Pentecost doesn’t mean that Jesus has gone away!
For that reason, we are inviting the congregation to take Jesus with them this summer! Figuratively – we hope that you take Jesus with you wherever you go! But also literally – we are inviting you to take “flat Jesus” with you over the summer. Help us track where our Shepherds are throughout the summer, and take a picture with your flat Jesus. Either bring your pictures to the church, or send them to Kathy, and we’ll add them to our growing “Journey with Jesus” summer bulletin board. Outside of pictures, we also encourage the congregation to share a brief blurbs of where you’ve encountered Jesus throughout the summer. Add your blurb using paper by the bulletin board starting June 12.
Vacation Bible School
Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14
Have you heard? This summer SOTC is joining up with Zion Lutheran, Grace Lutheran, Faith United Church of Christ, First Presbyterian, First Christian, and Trinity Episcopal for an epic week of Vacation Bible School! Register and/or sign up to join us as a participant or as a helper!
Theme: Generation to Generation
Dates: July 10-14
Note that our last evening is open to entire families!
Location: Zion (Sunday – Wednesday), Grace (Thursday)
Time: 5:30-8:00 pm (meal included)
Grades: PreK – grade 6
On behalf of the planning team, we truly hope that this event will be a chance for all people – across generations and across denominations! – to learn about God’s story of love and join in fellowship together. Questions? Talk to Melissa Booth or Pastor Aleese.
Sending of Camp EWALU Youth
Sunday, June 19
Make sure to join us as we offer a blessing to our youth going to Camp EWALU this summer! Please keep our youth in your prayers as they experience the transforming and boundless love of God this summer at camp!