Thanks for your help, Shepherds!
Thanks to those from both Shepherd and Grace who helped package diapers for the Community Diaper Bank this past Friday! It was short notice, but you all came through! Thanks for helping make a positive difference for those in our community!
No Christians Underground
Wednesday, June 22
Because Pastor Aleese is at Camp EWALU this week, we will not have Christians Underground. Join us again on Wednesday, June 29 at 12:00 pm at Geo Johnz Pizza downtown!
Spruce Up Sunday
Following worship on Sunday, June 26
It’s finally here! It’s time to start moving larger items out to the shed! And while we’re packing up stuff that is only used occasionally, lets spruce up our building! Join us for worship in your “NOT Sunday best” apparel and stick around to help check some things off our list of tasks. Not able to be there that Sunday? Our “To Do” list is in the narthex. Sign up and finish at your convenience. Questions? Contact Kathy Dunham.
Vacation Bible School
Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14, 5:30-8:00 pm
Vacation Bible School is intended for kids PreK-5th grade, but we are hoping to involve as many people as possible! Here’s where we need help:
1. Teachers and Helpers – If you’re interested in helping (even for one night!) complete the helper form below.
2. Craft Supplies – We’ve created a craft list of needed items for the week. Willing to pick a few things up? Bring it to church by Thursday, June 30.
3. Service Project benefiting the Domestic Violence Shelter – Throughout the week, kids will be encouraged to bring donations to support our local Domestic Violence shelter. Want to participate yourself? Check out this donation list and bring any donations to church by Sunday, July 10.
Looking to register your child? Click below! Register by July 1. Questions? Talk to Melissa Booth or Pastor Aleese.
Join us as a participant or as a helper!
Fall 2022 Adult Faith Formation Covenant Groups
For the past few weeks, we’ve been promoting an opportunity for adults come this fall. At first glance, the list of groups that we’re sharing as possibilities might seem lengthy. But, many of these groups (like Alpha, Sojourners, and Companions in Christ) have already been meeting!
Want to learn more about opportunities coming your way this fall? Check out our newly updated webpage which includes more information for each group, along with a link to complete an interest form. If you’re interested in a group, please respond by July 1. Later in July we will host an interest meeting to share more information. Questions? Contact Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese.
Where is Jesus going this summer?
The answer is dependent on where YOU take your “flat Jesus”! We trust that Jesus goes with us wherever we are, but to make it a bit more fun, we’re including “flat Jesus” on our summer adventures. Send your pictures to Kathy and we’ll include ’em in our slideshow on Sunday and on our bulletin board! Download your “flat Jesus” here!
Women’s Group
Saturday, July 2nd
Due to schedule conflicts, our Women’s Group has been moved up a week. Mark your calendars to join us during the 4th of July weekend as we continue our summer study around the theme of rest and renewal!
Canoeing at Deep Lakes
Friday, July 8, about 5:00pm
The Conservation Board will have canoes, along with Voyageur canoes (really big ones!) at Deep Lakes during the weekend of July 8-10. We’re coordinating a time for people (youth too!) to canoe together. If you’re interested in joining us, contact Kathy in the main office or sign up in the church narthex!