Camp EWALU is a wrap!
Last week, Pastor Aleese and Pastor Willie (Zion) took 7 youth to Camp EWALU to participate in Confirmation Camp, Uplifted, and Rock and Raft. Each of the youth – Violet, Raen, Ava, Elyse, Bailey, Aaron, and Ryan – all have stories to share of their (hot!) week as they formed relationships and dove deep into their faith. Take a moment to talk with these youth on Sunday mornings during fellowship to hear more!

Canoeing at Deep Lakes
Friday, July 8, about 5:00pm
The Conservation Board will have canoes, along with Voyageur canoes (really big ones!) at Deep Lakes during the weekend of July 8-10. We’re coordinating a time for people (youth too!) to canoe together. If you’re interested in joining us, contact Kathy in the main office or sign up in the church narthex!
Vacation Bible School
Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14, 5:30-8:00 pm
Vacation Bible School is intended for kids PreK-5th grade, but we are hoping to involve as many people as possible! Here’s where we need help:
1. Teachers and Helpers – If you’re interested in helping (even for one night!) complete the helper form below.
2. Craft Supplies – We’ve created a craft list of needed items for the week. Willing to pick a few things up? Bring it to church by Thursday, June 30.
3. Service Project benefiting the Domestic Violence Shelter – Throughout the week, kids will be encouraged to bring donations to support our local Domestic Violence shelter. Want to participate yourself? Check out this donation list and bring any donations to church by Sunday, July 10.
Looking to register your child? Click below! Register by July 1. Questions? Talk to Melissa Booth or Pastor Aleese.
Join us as a participant or as a helper!
Fall 2022 Adult Faith Formation Covenant Groups
Over the past few years, Shepherd has experimented with several adult faith formation groups. During COVID, we had an online Alpha group, and since then, we have had an adult group gather as a part of our Family Faith Nights, and have also had a Companions in Christ group meeting throughout the year.
As we look to the fall, we’re excited to offer these groups, along with others, to people at Shepherd, Grace, Zion and within the community. Some groups may meet during our traditional Family Faith Night time (Wed’s from 6:30-7:30) and some groups may meet outside that time.
Take a look at our webpage that outlines a snapshot of each group to begin thinking about if a group might be right for you. Then, follow the link on that webpage to a Google Form to express your interest. Please complete the form by July 1. We will host an interest meeting for those interested at Shepherd on July 17 following our worship and ice cream social. Questions? Contact Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese.
Spruce Up Sunday Update
Thank you to all who stuck around after worship last Sunday to help us check some tasks off the SOTC “To Do” list. If you were unable to attend, there is a list of tasks that still need completed in the narthex. Feel free to tackle one or two when it’s convenient.
Family Night
Sunday, July 17, 6:00 pm
If you’re a young adult or a family with youth high school aged or below you’re welcome to join us! In June we had a great night around a bonfire making hot dogs and s’mores while also playing lawn games. Join us for fun, fellowship, food, and some conversation with your fellow Shepherds! Families – watch for an email from Mackenzie to coordinate our meal.
Outdoor Worship and Ice Cream Social Fundraiser
Sunday, July 17
You bring your lawn chair and we’ll provide the rest! A tent will be set up to help provide shade.
Following worship, stick around for an ice cream sundae fellowship hour. This time will not only be a time of fellowship, but also a chance for us to offer our financial resources to a local organization.