Christmas Fun!
In the past week we’ve had numerous opportunities to gather in fellowship and spread some cheer! Our Family Faith Night crew gathered last Wed for a night of wrapping up their leaders in wrapping paper and having a newspaper snowball fight. On Sunday, our Shepherd family gathered to play games and try some delicious homemade cookies. And on Monday, we had groups of people from Shepherd, Grace, and Zion ringing bells at HyVee. Thanks for being a part of the Christmas fun and sharing joy this season!

Community Need: Crib and Crib Mattress
We recently received a call from a local non-profit organization seeking a crib and crib mattress for a mom and child who are moving out of MCSA into their own home. If you have a crib and crib mattress (in good condition) that you no longer need, or have a lead, contact Pastor Aleese.
Christmas Eve Worship
Saturday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm
Come and adore Christ as our God is born among us. Worship will include holy communion and a candlelight service while singing “Silent Night.”
Year End Giving
Last day for 2022 Contributions: December 24
If you are planning to make a year end donation, please do so by December 24. All gifts received after December 24 will be deposited in 2023.
Opportunities for Christmas Day Worship
Because of the schedules of our Shepherds, we will not host Christmas Day worship at SOTC. However, the following congregations have invited us to join them! If you’re looking for a place to worship on Christmas morning, check out these congregations:
Grace Lutheran – 9:00 am | Lessons and carols service with Communion
2107 Cedar Street
Zion Lutheran – 9:00 am | Lessons and carols service with Communion
513 Sycamore Street
Wesley United Methodist – 10:00 am | Christmas worship with communion
400 Iowa Avenue
First Presbyterian – 10:30 am | Worship with carol singing and a brief meditation. Wear your Christmas sweaters!
401 Iowa Avenue
Trinity Episcopal – 10:00 am | Eucharist worship with a renewal of baptismal vows with a blessing of water. Note that incense will be used during worship.
211 Walnut Street
Saints Mary and Mathias – 10:30 am | Christmas mass including communion, centered around John 1. Note that incense will be used during worship
215 W. 8th Street
Office Hours Following Christmas
Wednesday, December 28, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
To allow time for our staff to spend time with family during the holiday season, the church office will be closed Sunday, December 25 – Tuesday, December 27 and Thursday, December 29 – Friday, December 30. Pastor Aleese and Kathy will be in the office on Wednesday, December 28 from 9:00am – 12:00pm. If you need assistance outside of these times, please contact Kathy via email.
Pastor Aleese will be on vacation December 25 – 27 and December 29 – 31. If you are in need of pastoral care during this time, contact Pastor Susan Bantz (Grace) at 563-554-9213. Pastor Aleese will return to lead worship on Sunday, January 1.
Celebrate New Years Day and Epiphany Sunday @ SOTC!
Sunday, January 1
After your New Years Eve celebrations, join us at Shepherd as we kick off the new year together! During worship, we’ll focus on the story of the coming of the wise men, and will ponder “star words” for the coming year. More information to come…but know this: you’ll need your phones during worship! Pastor Aleese will have you look some things up online to participate in worship. After worship, stick around for a special New Years celebration during fellowship.
Women’s Epiphany Party
Sunday, January 8, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Calling all women of the congregation! Join us for our annual Women’s Epiphany Party in which we’ll share in a light meal (please bring an appetizer to share), a candle exchange (bring a wrapped candle for a rousing candle swap!), and a blessing for the coming year. This will take the place of Women’s Group on the second Saturday of the month.
Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 29 after worship
Each January we set aside a Sunday to celebrate our shared ministry together at SOTC during our annual meeting. During this time, we will review the year, vote on nominated leaders and proposed constitutional amendments, and also hear reports regarding our financial position. All are welcome to join us as we give thanks for the ways God has been at work in and through our Shepherds in the past year!
Amendments to SOTC Constitution
Amendments available Sunday, January 1
This summer, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly passed a slate of suggested amendments to congregational constitutions. As our Council reviewed these suggestions, we also are suggesting an additional amendment regarding our Audit Committee. Suggested amendments will be available to the congregation on Sunday, January 1 and will be voted upon during our annual meeting.