Our Life Together

News & Events

Family Faith Night Kick-Off Event!

Wednesday, September 8, 6:30- 7:30 pm @ Grace

Looking for an opportunity for your whole family to practice what it means to live as a follower of Jesus ? Look no further! SOTC and Grace are excited to look ahead to a year of Family Faith Nights starting Wednesday, September 15. Family Faith Nights will have opportunities for elementary youth, middle school youth (confirmation/FINK) and adults.

However, to make sure you all know what’s going on, to settle some logistics for the year, and to ease our way back into a regular Wednesday evening set-up, we’re inviting you to a kick-off event! (Don’t worry…it won’t be boring! We’ve got some opening icebreaker games in mind, and when adults need to chat on thier own, we’ll have activities for young kids!)

Take a look at the flyer here for more information about what is to come, and mark your calendars to join us at the kick-off!

Rally Sunday/God’s Work Our Hands Day

Sunday, September 12

In two weeks, we’ll be celebrating God’s Work Our Hands Sunday with ELCA congregations nationwide. Here’s what you need to know:

Worship – 9:00 am
Wear a SOTC t-shirt or one of your older “God’s Work Our Hands” t-shirts! 

Fellowship – 10:15 am
Following worship, we’ll have a special fellowship hour with ice cream sundaes!

Service Projects around the Church – 10:45 am-ish
We need your hands to help with some service projects! Either come to church in work clothes, or bring a change of clothes. Property Team has a list of projects that need our help. Sign up in the narthex. 

Community Collection
Shepherd is joining Grace and Zion in a collaborative drive to benefit MCSA and Flickinger Learning Center. For specific donations requested, see the flyer here. Bring your donations (physical or monetary) to the church between September 1-12. 

Shared Ministry Team Members Selected

Thank you to those who joined us for a roundtable discussion last Sunday regarding the possibility of shared ministry with our fellow ELCA congregations in Muscatine! If you haven’t had a chance to offer your insight, know that your Council members and Visioning Team members are always willing to listen. 

Moving forward, based on the feedback received from the congregation, our Council determined at their monthly meeting that we will continue conversations moving forward. Council also selected three people to serve on the Shared Ministry Team: Andy Christy, Dave Bakke, and Mackenzie Gilbert. Thank you to all who were willing to be on the slate of nominees, and thank you to all who nominated individuals! 

Please continue to hold Shepherd, along with Grace and Zion, in your prayers as we look to the fall and the possibilities before us!

Muscatine Youth and Children’s Choirs

Dr. Dan Laaveg and Ruthellen Brooks, directors of the Muscatine Youth and Children’s Choirs, are offering young people (Kindergarten-12th grade) in the Muscatine area an opportunity to grow their vocal talents. Their two main concerts are taking part in Wesley’s annual Lessons and Carols event and the Spring Concert, along with other events in the community. If your children are interested, see the this article for more information.

First Day of Sunday School

Sunday, September 19, 10:30 – 10:50 am

This year, Sunday School will be condensed to about 20 minutes to accommodate family schedules. We’ll have a song time with Pastor Aleese, followed by a review of the story we heard in worship and a brief activity led by lay leaders. Open to all kids toddler through elementary. 

High School Youth Group

Sunday, September 19, 5:00 – 6:30 pm

Along with youth from Zion and Grace, Shepherd youth 8th grade and up are invited to gather in fellowship, dig deeper into our faith and prepare for the upcoming ELCA Youth Gathering (summer 2022).  Odd weeks will be focused on a specific topic of conversation; even weeks will be focused on fellowship.  Check in with Pastor Aleese for more information!