Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine
Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm
Imagine an event designed to nourish people in God’s Word, connect people to one another, and reimagine what it means to be the church.
That’s what the synod revival is all about! This event is free of charge and is intended to be a joyful, fun gathering for all ages full of inspiration, worship, food, and prayer.
Bishop Amy Current and Bishop Yehiel Curry (Metro Chicago Synod of the ELCA) will speak and Rachel Kurtz will provide music throughout the day. Inflatable bounce houses will be available to kids, along with outside lawn games, and balloon artists. Ministry tables will be set up to explore the ministries connected to our synod, and food will be available on site.
If you’re interested in joining us, contact Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool! Click here for more information.
High School Graduate Recognition Sunday
Sunday, May 7
Can you believe it? We’re inching up on the end of another school year! Though graduation for many of our seniors at Shepherd is still a month away, we are going to celebrate them earlier in May. This year we’ll be honoring Brynn Eichelberger (MCSD), Jake Walton (Wilton), and Noah Jorgensen (Rockridge).
Make sure to join us as we offer a blessing during worship, offer gifts on behalf of the congregation, and offer our congrats during fellowship!
Growing and Going Initiative
Can you help us keep growing in Christ and going in mission?
To supplement our general offerings, we are beginning an initiative for congregational members to sponsor and expense. Each leaf on our growing vine has the name of an expense along with its cost. If you’d like to sponsor a leaf, simply take the leaf off the board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.”
To start us off, some of our expenses that need sponsoring are the following:
- Freers and Sons (snow removal and salt) – $200
- Communion wine – $15
- Christ in Our Home Devotionals – $25
- MPW Utilities – $300
- Internet Service for a month – $85
If you’d like to sponsor a leaf but won’t be at church in the near future, contact the main office.
Update on Yard and Bake Sale
Based on the responses of possible volunteers, we will not host an in-person yard sale on May 6. Instead, we are encouraging congregational members to sell their items through Facebook Marketplace and contribute their earnings as a donation to the church. Unsure how to do that but you’d like to participate? We can help! Talk to Connie Hoekstra or Melissa Booth for more information. Note that we are pursuing a possible bake sale at someone’s house in Wilton, and/or a bake sale in conjunction with RAGBRAI this July.
Last GOLF Night for the School Year!
Sunday, April 30
Mark your calendars now for our last Generations of Living Faith Night of the school year! All are invited!
Riverbend Bronze Handbell Ensemble
Sat, April 29 @ 2:00 pm
This is a free concert with a free-will offering at Wesley United Methodist Church. Presenting with over 300 bells and chimes, the RiverBend Bronze is the Quad Cities premier handbell ensemble. Hailing from communities in Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa, these 20+ volunteer bell-ringers started practice in January and continue to meet for a minimum three hours of rehearsal each week. The Wesley Handbell Choir will also play a few selections.
Summer Events – Save the Dates!
Our Social Team has some fun lined up for us this summer! Sign ups will come later this summer, but mark your calendars now to join with others in your church community!
Sat, June 24 – 5:30 pm
Dinner out at The Lighthouse, Fairport
Sun, July 9 – after worship
Ice Cream social fellowship
Sat, August 12 – 6:30 pm
River Bandits Baseball game with SOTC, Grace, and Zion