Our Life Together

News & Events

Updated Contact Directory and Narrative Directory

Complete by Sunday, September 26

Our new contact directory is set to go! Download it by going to the Members section and entering the password. Forgot our password? Contact the office.

Now that we have our contact information updated, to help us all get to know each other beyond cell phone numbers and email addresses, we are putting together a narrative directory.  Please complete the following form (paper copies also found in the narthex), by Sunday, September 26.  One form per household, please. Once you complete your form, send a candid shot of your family (something that represents who you are) to  Questions? Contact Melissa Booth

Crafting for a Cause | Kids Helping Kids

Wesley United Methodist Church has recently reached out to area churches to participate in an event on Saturday, October 30 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.  The event will feature a craft show benefitting the Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center (MVCPC). For more information about MVCPC and how they serve our community, check out thier website

Sunday School kids at SOTC will likely take some time to assist, but if you have some crafting kids, we could use your help! Wesley is looking for kids to make their own crafts (jewelry, slime, stress balloons, hair ties, decorations, picture frames, flower pots, play dough, bookmarks, ornaments, marshmallow shooters, etc.) to sell. There are opportunities for adults, as well! Adults can sponsor a table spot for a child to sell their crafts for $50. Take a look at the Crafting for a Cause flyer and Info.

If you’d like to be a part of this effort, contact Pastor Aleese for more information and we’ll get you hooked up with the right people!

Faith Formation Opportunities

With the start of the school year, we have kicked off many groups to connect you to a community in which you feel welcomed and upheld in faith. Contact Pastor Aleese or Mackenzie Gilbert for more information and to get on email reminder lists. 

Family Faith Nights – Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm @ Grace
Groups for Elementary, Middle School and Adults

All are welcome! Elementary youth are focusing on stories of Jesus’ parables; middle school youth are diving into what it means to be saved by grace through faith; and adults are taking a deep dive into what God’s love means for our lives.  Note: face masks required at Grace.

High School Youth Group – Sundays @ 5:00-6:30 pm
Open to all youth 8th-12th grade! Our kick off was this past Sunday, but if you missed it, hop on board! Weekly schedule can be found on our website

Sunday School – Sundays @ 10:30-10:50 am
All PreK – 5th graders welcome! We open with a song time, review the story from worship and participate in a short activity.

God’s Work. Our Hands. Drive Update

Thank you all who donated to the joint effort of Grace, SOTC, and Zion Lutheran to help those in need in our area. Here at SOTC we collected the items pictured below. Towels, sheets, shampoo and conditioner was delivered to MCSA. The paper towels, Kleenex, antibacterial wipes and plastic silverware went to Flickinger Learning Center.

Fall Stewardship Emphasis: Sharing the Good News

Whenever the word “stewardship” is used in the church, often it’s associated only with money. However, being stewards is all about being mindful of how we are using all the gifts that God has entrusted to us so as to share the Good News of Jesus. To highlight this, in October we’ll highlight various things we are called to steward as disciples of Jesus. We kick off on October 3 with a focus on “Stewarding Relationships.” Stay tuned for more information about how you can be involved this coming October!

Women’s Group

Saturday, September 25 @ 8:30 am

Women’s Group meets next Saturday and will be starting a new series on the Holy Spirit. Celtic Christians liken the Holy Spirit not to a dove, but a goose. For three months, we’ll go on our own divine “wild goose chase,” tracking the Holy Spirit’s actions throughout the Bible and throughout our lives.  We’ll explore how the Spirit moves God’s people into adventures and lives we would likely never dare risk on our own.  All women welcome to join us in faith, fellowship, and prayer!