Wear Red for Pentecost Sunday!
Sunday, May 28
The Day of Pentecost marks the end of the season of Easter. Referencing Acts 2, we will remember the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Jerusalem, and will open ourselves to receive that same Spirit in worship. So as to mark the occasion, and to symbolize the color of the Spirit, wear red to worship this coming Sunday!
Spring Cleaning at SOTC
Sunday, June 4, after worship
Can you help with some odds and ends around the church to keep our church building and grounds looking well kept? If you are available to help on June 4, wear your service attire to worship and stick around after worship to help us with some projects. If you are not available on June 4, check out the list in the narthex, sign up, and complete it at a time that is convenient for you. Thank you in advance for all your help!
Volunteers needed for Christian Day Camp
June 13 – 16, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
We are super pumped to gather 80 kids from Muscatine for a week of Bible camp! But…we need some help! Because of the response of kids, we need some more adult (and middle school and high school) volunteers. If you’re able to help out for only one day, or only for the morning or afternoon, we’ll take you! If you’re interested/available, contact Pastor Aleese by Friday, May 26.
Summer Book Club
Initial Meeting Date: Wednesday, May 31 @ 6:00 @ Grace
We’ve got a crew together for the summer! Join us for our initial meeting in which we will give instruction of how/where to get your copy of a book, go over what book club will be like, and set meeting dates for the summer. If you are unable to make this initial meeting time, talk to Pastor Aleese.
Summer GOLF Nights!
June 11, July 16, August 20
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Throughout the school year, we hosted GOLF (Generations of Living Faith) nights. This summer, we’re extended these nights and we’re inviting other congregations to join the fun! Grace Lutheran, Zion Lutheran, and Faith United Church of Christ will be joining us for sure, and there is potential for more to come!
Because summer schedules are different than the school year, we’re adapting our time. We’ll begin with a meal from 5:30 – 6:00 pm and then have our time of learning and fellowship from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. To help plan for food and activities, we are asking people to RSVP one week prior to the event. You can RSVP online or using the paper form in the narthex. Paper forms can be put on Kathy’s desk in the main office.
All are welcome – families, adults, kids, individuals….EVERYONE!
VBS for Kids Ages 3-5
June 13-16, 10:00-11:30 am @ Grace
Many of our older youth are taking advantage of the Christian Day Camp – an ecumenical opportunity at Saulsbury Park. But, that leaves a gap for our younger kids. In response, area churches are organizing a VBS for kids ages 3-5. Host congregation will be Grace. If you have a child who would like to participate, fill out this form and return it to the church office. Or, pick up a paper form in the narthex. Spread the word to families you know!
If you’re willing to assist as an adult/youth leader, contact Pastor Aleese.
Summer Mission Trip Opportunity
Earlier this spring, a few families had the crazy idea to make our own mission trip in early August. Enough families and youth have expressed interest to make this happen! We’re likely headed toward St. Louis. Details are still forthcoming. If you are interested in hearing more and being a part of the brainstorming to determine next steps, contact Pastor Aleese. Then, Pastor Aleese will convene those families/individuals. All ages welcome!
SOTC T-Shirt Sale
Last week you may have heard about an upcoming SOTC T-shirt sale. We’re still moving forward with getting some shirts, but we’ve taken a brief pause to solidify a design.
Later this summer, SOTC will have the opportunity to provide/sell pie as a part of a RAGBRAI vendor booth with other local congregations. To help us stand out, we’re creating a shirt!
Watch for more details to come soon!
Change of Liturgy Setting in Worship
Beginning June 4
As one in the body of Christ, we are bound together by the Spirit. Though new to us at Shepherd, this summer we’ll be using a liturgy setting from the Catholic church.
Begin learning the music along with our musicians as they rehearse! Open this playlist when you’re in the car or cooking supper!