Joint Worship with New Era
June 11 @ 9:00 am @ SOTC
July 16 @ 9:00am @ New Era
Earlier this spring, our Worship and Music Team had an idea to invite New Era to participate in a joint worship service as a gesture of hospitality and as a way to live as one in the body of Christ. Currently, New Era does not have a called pastor.
After conversations between SOTC and New Era leaders, we’re excited to share that we will worship together twice this summer. To be clear: the intent of these two worship services is simply to worship together this summer. We, along with New Era, are not approaching these two worship services with an expectation for something to occur post-summer.
We are looking forward to offering our praise to Jesus together as one in the body of Christ and hope you’ll be able to join us! If you have any questions or concerns, contact Delene McConnaha, Mackenzie Gilbert, or Pastor Aleese.
Offerings on June 11 and July 16
Benefitting Iowa Bishops’ RAGBRAI for Hunger Initiative
To create a collaborative environment even within the collection of our offering, our offerings during joint worship services will go toward the Iowa Bishop’s RAGBRAI for Hunger Initiative. Three Iowa Bishops are riding the 50th annual RAGBRAI to raise $50,000 to fight hunger and are highlighting 50 anti-hunger ministries along the way. Funds raised throughout the synod will support ELCA World Hunger along with synodical hunger initiatives.
If you desire to give an offering to your home congregation, you may do so outside of worship. Anything offered during worship (cash, check, and electronic giving) will be given toward the Iowa Bishop’s RAGBRAI for Hunger.
If you regularly give through or another electronic giving platform, your contribution will be directed toward your home congregation.
Choir with New Era
Respond by Sunday, June 11
Do you like to sing? Would you like to sing in a joint choir? As a part of our joint worship with New Era on July 16, leaders are seeking to form a one-time choir. If you’re interested in singing, sign up in the narthex or contact the church office.
SOTC T-Shirts
Sign up by Sunday, July 2 to order
Looking to update your SOTC swag? Or, looking to potentially help as a part of a pie fundraiser as a part of RAGBRAI this summer?
Currently, we have a team of people coordinating a fundraising opportunity to sell treats as RAGBRAI riders come through town on July 29. We are coordinating with the Chamber of Commerce, along with other churches. The intent is for the proceeds to benefit each local congregation. For example, if Shepherd contributes 20 pies, we receive the proceeds of the sale of those 20 pies.
More information will be coming soon about needs for the RAGBRAI sale (i.e.: treats and volunteers needed). But for now, consider buying a SOTC shirt! We encourage volunteers on July 29 to wear this shirt. Not able to participate on July 29 with us! Purchase a shirt anyway to wear whenever you’d like!
Shirts are $20. Shirt color will be an oatmeal/off white with a dark navy image. See image below. Sign up in the narthex or contact the main office to sign up!
Women’s Group Change of June Date
Saturday, June 17 @ 10:30 am
Because of schedule conflicts for many of our regular Women’s Group attendees, we are moving Women’s Group from June 10 to June 17. Join us as we begin our summer study in the Gospel of John!
Supper at the Lighthouse with SOTC
June 24 @ 5:30 pm
Join us for a night of fellowship with your Shepherds! We’ll meet at The Lighthouse (2142 Water Street, Fairport). If you’re interested in attending, sign up in the narthex or contact the main office so we can reserve a spot for us.
Fill the Truck
Saturday, June 17, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Family Resources is needing volunteers to greet shoppers at the Hy-Vee store (2nd Ave., Muscatine) entrance, hand out an item wish list, receive donations from the public, assist with placing donations in the sponsored truck, and assist with recording donations as they are received. Items collected during the Fill the Truck will benefit Family Resources Domestic Abuse Shelter and the clients served through the program. Contact Bob Stone if you are interested in volunteering your time.
Baking Pies for RAGBRAI
Plans are in the works to be a part of a multi-congregation fundraising effort as a part of the RAGBRAI event coming through Muscatine on July 29. Funds raised will be distributed back to congregations according to how many pies each congregation contributed/sold.
Willing to help bake? Or, volunteer on July 29? We’ll need YOU! Contact Melissa Booth, Mackenzie Gilbert, or Delene McConnaha for more information.
Blessing and Farewell for Bakke’s
Sunday, June 25
For many, many years, the Bakke’s have devoted themselves to SOTC and to the mission of Jesus. Join us as we offer our thanks and blessing before they depart for Rockford later this summer. At the close of worship, we’ll offer a blessing and plant a tree in their honor.