Blessing and Godspeed to Bakke’s
This past Sunday we planted a tree in honor of Dave and Amy Bakke. The tree is a reminder of the roots that Dave and Amy planted at Shepherd, and a reminder that we remain connected through Christ. As the Bakke’s move to Rockford, we pray that they will continue to be rooted and grounded in Christ, and will continue to grow and bear fruit as fellow disciples of Christ!

Have a few hours to spare on July 4?
Help as a part of a Clean Up Crew to raise money for SOTC
The Muscatine Chamber of Commerce is looking for Clean Up Crews immediately after the parade in Muscatine. Parade begins at 4pm. Groups willing to help will receive a donation to their organization.
If you have time to give, and would be willing to serve on a clean up crew from SOTC, sign up in the narthex or contact the church office via email.
SOTC T-Shirts
It’s your last chance!
Get your order in by this coming Sunday, July 2 to update your SOTC swag! We’ll ask volunteers helping with RAGBRAI on July 29 to wear these shirt if they have ’em!
Shirts are $20. Shirt color will be an oatmeal/off white with a dark navy image. See image below. Sign up in the narthex or contact the main office to sign up!

Baking Pies for RAGBRAI
Saturday, July 29
We’re excited to be working with at least 10 other congregations to provide pie to RAGBRAI riders as they come through Muscatine! Though this is a fundraiser for SOTC, this is also an opportunity for us to unite ourselves with other congregations in the greater Muscatine area and provide a witness to our community.
We need your help though! We need bakers to make pie and volunteers to help sell/take money on July 29. Sign up in the narthex or contact Melissa Booth, Mackenzie Gilbert, or Delene McConnaha. Thank you!
Serving Families through Products of the Flock
In the past two weeks, proceeds from Products of the Flock have been used to assist two families who’ve contact SOTC for assistance.
One individual and her daughter, who has suffered domestic violence and has sought shelter at our local Domestic Violence Shelter, was seeking funds to obtain a copy of her social security card and birth certificate. These documents will allow her to obtain her own housing unit.
Another family suffered the loss of their home due to fire. For several months they have lived in their truck or in various homeless shelters. Because of the ages of their children, it has been difficult for the entire family to remain together in shelters. The family has been working with a case worker to secure more permanent housing, but was seeking immediate assistance for food and a place to land so they could think to the future. Since working with the family last week, they now have a strong lead of a mobile home they can rent while the husband continues to work.
We share these stories with you as a thank you for your support of Products of the Flock and the items they sell. After working with these families, in addition to others requests earlier this spring, funds in the Products of the Flock account are dwindling. If you’d like to add to this fund, consider purchasing any of the items in the narthex, or offering a donation to Products of the Flock.
Office Hours Over July 4 Holiday
Office CLOSED Mon, July 3 – Tues, July 4
To give time for Kathy and Pastor Aleese to celebrate the holiday with family and friends, the church office will be closed Monday, July 3 – Tuesday, July 4. Kathy and Pastor Aleese will be in the office on Wednesday, July 5 from 10:30 am -1:30 pm. As is always the case, both Pastor Aleese and Kathy are available to meet outside these scheduled times. Contact the church office of Pastor Aleese’s cell phone to be in touch.
Next Joint Worship with New Era
July 16 @ New Era, 9:00 am
After hosting New Era in June, we’re looking forward to joining them in their church! Our offering will once again support the Iowa Bishop’s RAGBRAI for Hunger Initiative.
If you’d like to be a part of the choir and missed signing up, contact Delene McConnaha for more information.