Our Life Together

News & Events:

Women’s Group Bible Study

Saturday, January 8 @ 8:30 am

As we begin a new year, our women are beginning a new Bible Study focused on “the Kingdom of God” by Rev. Mark Allan Powell. The phrase “kingdom of God” and similar expressions turn up repeatedly in sayings of Jesus. So what does it mean for Jesus to be “King” of our lives? And what does it mean for God to be in charge of our lives? Join us for the first part of a four-part series in which we dive into what God’s Kingdom means for us today. Link to our study is here if you’d like to take a look on your own and can’t make it on Sat!

Women’s Epiphany Party

Sunday, January 9 @ 6:00 pm

Each January, SOTC Women gather for a women’s Epiphany party.  Join us for food, fellowship, a blessing of our doors, and a candle exchange. Bring a (wrapped) candle for the exchange and some appetizers/treats to share. Women of all ages welcome! 

Worship Feedback Form

During the Advent-Christmas season, in order to embrace our theme of “Close to Home,” we adapted our worship and space set-up. Later this January, our Worship and Music Team will be meeting to review what was effective throughout the Advent-Christmas season, and what might “stick” into the new year. To help us get a broader perspective, we’re looking for your feedback. Fill out a paper copy (found in the narthex) or fill out the form here. We thank you in advance for your feedback as we seek to connect to Christ and to each other in our worship!

Poinsettias Available for Pick Up

If you ordered a poinsettia in honor/memory of someone, feel free to pick it up at the church.  Poinsettias are outside of the fellowship serving window. Thank you for helping us celebrate Christmas at Shepherd!

2021 Annual Report and Meeting

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Annual Reports will be available to the congregation Sunday, January 9. Annual Meeting will be immediately after worship on Sunday, January 23. During this meeting, we will be electing new leaders

Family Faith Nights

Resume Wed, January 5

Family Faith Nights resume this week at Grace at 6:30 pm.  Elementary kids will be looking at the story of the wise men, middle school/confirmation youth will be exploring prayer, and adults will continue thier discussion from before Christmas. Not in the loop but would like to learn more? Contact Pastor Aleese

High School Youth Group

Resumes Sun, January 9

High School Youth Group (grades 8 and up) resumes Jan 9.  Location TBD. Check the BAND app for more details or contact Pastor Aleese