Our Life Together


Sundays @ 9:00 a.m

Though we won’t be gathering in person, we encourage our SOTC community to commit to setting aside time each Sunday morning to join us via Zoom. Congregational members will receive links for our Zoom worships each week. If you are not on the congregational email list and wish to join us in our Zoom worships, please contact Pastor Aleese via email at We are not publicizing the link for our worship services to maintain privacy and security while using an online platform.

If you’re not able to connect with us via Zoom, we will be recording our Zoom worships and will post them here later in the day on Sundays.

Take a look below for links to our most current, and previous, worship videos and any resources encouraged by Pastor Aleese.

Holy Week Worship
Easter Sunday, April 12

Matthew 28: 1-10 | Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Though we may not be shouting our praise with brass and Easter lilies, we still gather with the women at the empty tomb to marvel at God’s life given for the sake of the world. Come and join us in worship as we dare to proclaim that all things WILL rise again.

Easter Sunday Worship Bulletin

Good Friday, April 10

Mark 15: 21-39 | As we continue our worship from Maundy Thursday, we gather at the foot of the cross. There, we find our God in the very place of suffering. And yet, there, we also find our God of love and life. All are invited to come to the cross as we look in hope for light to emerge from the darkness.

Good Friday Worship Bulletin

Maundy Thursday, April 9

Luke 22:1-23 | On this night, we begin our journey through the great “three days” – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, leading to Easter Sunday. Together during our worship we will remember Christ’s promise of love through his coming death. We will be celebrating communion during our Zoom worship. Get your bread/crackers and wine/juice prepared. If you’re looking to make the communion bread that we typically use at SOTC, click here for a recipe.

Maundy Thursday Worship Bulletin

Previous Worship Services
Sunday, April 5

Luke 19:28-40 | Though we might find ourselves stuck inside more often, Palm Sunday is still a day of celebration! Join us for worship via Zoom at 9 a.m. If you’re looking to watch a recording of our worship AFTER worship, we will post a recording of our worship as soon as possible.

April 5 Worship Bulletin

Sunday, March 29

John 11:1-44 | We are trying out a new platform this weekend: Zoom. A group of us will be gathering together, LIVE!, this Sunday, March 29 at 9 a.m. If you’re looking to watch a recording of our worship AFTER March 29, check out the following video. We are still working out kinks with recording, so please excuse that the recording begins in the middle of our call to worship.

March 29 Worship Bulletin

Sunday, March 22

John 6:1-21 | Looking for a way to worship on this first Sunday that we’re apart? Check in with Pastor Aleese, Trinity and Andy Christy, (and Darren Pittman behind the camera!) to a time of prayer, reflection, and praise. If you’re looking for an order of worship to follow along with us, click the pdf above the video.

March 22 Worship Bulletin