Worship Services

Worship: Are you satisfied?

John 6:56-69 | As Jesus wraps up his teaching on who he is as the Bread of Life, several in the crowd walk away. Though Jesus has offered them the gift of life itself, it seems too hard to stomach and too challenging to digest. So they leave, satisfied with what they have and ignoring Jesus’ invitation to something even greater. For ourselves, at any point on our spiritual journey, we also can be content with where we’re at. And rather than heeding God’s invitation to engage in an even deeper relationship with Christ, leading us to something even more true and more real, we can refuse. But continually, Jesus invites us to something more, for with God our rate of return has a guaranteed result. So as we head into the fall, join us for worship this weekend as we hear Christ’s invitation given to us once again, and as we consider our own willingness to receive all that God has put before us.

Sunday, August 25, 2024, Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering: O Jesus, I Have Promised. Text: John E. Bode, 1816-1874, alt. Music: Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch, Meiningen, 1693. Text and Music: Public Domain. Kyrie: Lord, Have Mercy. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2018 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of Praise: Glory to God. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2010, 2018 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2018 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: Lord Fill My Life. Text and Music: Paul Frantsen. Text and Music: © 1998 Cross the Sky Ministry. Offering: Dona Nobis Pacem. Text and Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Text and Music: Public Domain. Communion Liturgy: Holy and Amen. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2010, 2018 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: To Be Your Bread. Text and Music: David Haas. Text and Music: © 1981, 1982 OCP Publications. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: You Are the Way. Text and Music: Steve Angrisano, Patrick Smith. Text and Music: © 1999 OCP Publications. Covered under One License subscription.