Worship Services

Worship: Calm Amidst the Storm

Mark 4: 35-41 | “Stay calm,” we often tell kids after they’ve been hurt. Rationally, it makes sense, for it helps us treat their wounds. But even as adults, often, anxiety gets the best of us, making whatever is going on even worse. In the midst of challenging situations, questions of faith, let alone what we see happening in the church and the world around us, it may be tempting to become distressed. And yet, as we see in our Gospel passage this week, Jesus is already with us in the boat, and simply asks us to cry out to him and to calmly trust in God’s provision. Granted – easier said than done. But as we follow as Christ’s disciples, we will come to experience all that the Lord can do. So, whether you find yourself in calm or troubled waters, join us for worship as we seek the authority of our Teacher, and as once again we place our trust in Christ.

Sunday, June 23, 2024, Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Prelude: More Love To Thee O Christ. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Text and Music: © 2006 The Lorenz Publishing Corporation. Covered under One License subscription. Gathering Song: Be Still and Know. Text: Psalm 4:6-10. Music: John L. Bell, b. 1949. Text and Music: © 1989 WGRG, Iona Community, admin. GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Kyrie: Lord, Have Mercy. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2018 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of Praise: Glory to God. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2010, 2018 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2018 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: When the Storms of Life Are Raging. Text and Music: Charles A. Tindley, 1851-1933. Text and Music: Public Domain. Offering: We Have Heard the Joyful Sound. Text and Music: Mark Hayes, William J Kirkpatrick. Text and Music: © 2016 The Lorenz Publishing Corporation. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Liturgy: Holy and Amen. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2010, 2018 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: I’ve Got Peace Like a River. Text and Music: Mark Hayes, Marvin Gaspard. Text and Music: © 2016 The Lorenz Publishing Corporation. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: My Life Flows On in Endless Song. Text and Music: Robert Lowry, 1826-1899. Text and Music: Public Domain.