Worship Services

Worship: In the Spirit

Third Sunday of Pentecost, June 20

Jeremiah 20:7-13 | Often, the “Christian life” is referred to as one filled with peace, joy, and comfort. We believe that with Christ, we will find our only source of true and abundant life. But that doesn’t mean that our journeys are always a cakewalk. Rather, sometimes our Lord’s call may take us to places that are downright uncomfortable as we follow the prodding of the Spirit. As we continue to live as followers of Jesus during a time of global pandemic and an ever-changing society, we might feel as though we are being pushed into uncomfortable territory. But the call of our Lord? Is to trust where he leads us, and to join with God in the mission he has already begun. Join us for worship as we hear a bit of Jeremiah’s story, and consider our own response as people called to take up our cross and follow Jesus. Music covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Pentecost 3 Worship Bulletin

Second Sunday of Pentecost, June 14

Matthew 9:35-10:8 | In light of many local and national events, and in light of the realities of our lives, we may get a sense at times that we are like sheep – seeking for someone to provide direction…a way forward. In Christ, we find our leader. And in Christ, we find our direction forward as he gives us our marching orders as people of his kingdom. Join us for worship as we look to Jesus, and as we follow in Christ’s ways of justice and peace. Music covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Pentecost 2 Sunday Worship Bulletin

Holy Trinity Sunday, June 7

Genesis 1-2 | In the past weeks, our nation has experienced significant trauma. We have watched injustice against our brothers and sisters of color, and now the church is asking: now what? Though it may seem that we are disconnected from these realities of injustice, as people living in relationship with the Triune God, we are intrinsically connected to ALL creation. Join us for worship as we consider what it means to be “church” in these times, and how our relational God is binding us together as one. Music covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Holy Trinity Sunday Worship Bulletin

Pentecost Sunday, May 31

Acts 2: 1-21 | Have you ever felt as though life went from 0-60 in a matter of days? minutes? seconds? That might have been similar to what the disciples experienced on the day of Pentecost. After the Spirit came, thier world turned, as if on a dime. All around us, there are things that are shifting, and we too might feel as though our lives and our world is shifting right now. So what are we to do? What are we to make of everything? Join us for worship as we consider what it means to live as people of the Spirit today. Music covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Pentecost Sunday Worship Bulletin

Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 24

Acts 1: 1-14 | After Christ’s resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days with his disciples. But after giving his disciples the promise of the coming Spirit, once again he left them – this time to ascend to the Father. So now what? What were the disciples to do? to think? to be? As we find ourselves amidst “in between” times, wondering what to do next, perhaps we can look to the early church for guidance. Join us for worship as we hear of God’s faithfulness and look in hope for all that is to come. Music covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Easter 7 Worship Bulletin

Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 17

John 14: 15-21 | Unfortunately, we fell prey to the Zoom collapse on Sunday morning, along with many other congregations nationwide. But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t engage with our Scripture reading! Take a look at John 14:15-21 (and/or the worship bulletin below) and think: Ever desire to have someone “in your corner” or “go to bat” for you? Ever looking for someone to give you the confidence to keep going? Well, that “advocate” is what Jesus promises in the coming Holy Spirit. YOU are inheritors of that Spirit, and YOU are now commissioned as Spirit people to be advocates for others in the world. Be sure to join us next Sunday as we worship again, and we promise, we’ll be able to gather together again!

Easter 6 Worship Bulletin

Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 10

John 14: 1-14 | During the past few weeks, we’ve likely spent a lot of time in various “rooms,” and perhaps have even begun to go a bit stir crazy within those “rooms.” So what does it mean to have yet another “room” prepared for us by Jesus? Join us in worship as we consider how Jesus dwells within us in the rooms of our lives, even when isolated, and how his presence connects our rooms together as one house. Music covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Easter 5 Worship Bulletin

Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 3

John 10: 1-10 | “The Lord is my shepherd…” might be some of the most familiar words to many in Scripture. Often, we take comfort in the knowledge that Jesus is our Good Shepherd who leads and guides us. But what does that mean in our world today? Join us for worship as we dwell as one in the house of the Lord – gathered at Christ’s banquet table. Message provided today by Bishop Michael Burk, bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod. Music covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Easter 4 Worship Bulletin

Third Sunday of Easter, April 26

Luke 24: 13-35 | As the disciples were unable to recognize Jesus walking along with them on the road to Emmaus, at times it may feel as though Jesus is absent. Yet, Jesus continues to walk alongside us, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, reveals to us the promise of Christ’s resurrection in everyday, ordinary ways. Join us as we celebrate communion together in our Zoom worship service! Music covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Easter 3 Worship Bulletin

Second Sunday of Easter, April 19

John 20: 19-31 | Our journey through the Easter season continues as we encounter the risen Christ in our midst. As Christ appears to his disciples behind locked doors, Christ also appears to us – wherever we are at – and breathes his peace into us. Music covered under CCLI Licenses #1141706.

Easter 2 Worship Bulletin

Easter Sunday, April 12

Matthew 28: 1-10 | Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Though we may not be shouting our praise with brass and Easter lilies, we still gather with the women at the empty tomb to marvel at God’s life given for the sake of the world and dare to proclaim that all things WILL rise again. Music covered under CCLI License #11141706.

Easter Sunday Worship Bulletin