Isaiah 40: 21-31, Mark 1: 29-39|“How are you?” is often a question that pops up early in casual conversation. But the real answer? Sometimes, it’s not so easy to capture really how we’re doing. It’s one thing to talk about events of a day. But it’s another thing completely to answer from the depth of our being – sometimes leading to the truth that we are weary. We’re worn out. We’re tired. It’s common within our culture to push that feeling down, and to “keep on keepin’ on.” But how are we to live as followers of Jesus as we encounter weariness and exhaustion? Join us for worship as we hear God’s word of promise given to the Israelite people, and given through Jesus to Simon’s mother-in-law, raising her to new life. Music and liturgy used within worship covered under CCLI License #1141706.