Worship Services

Worship: The Paradox of Reformation

Psalm 46 | Each year, the church honors Reformation Day – a day to remember reforms within the church throughout history, and a day to pay attention to how the Spirit is continually re-forming and re-shaping us to live in the kingdom of God. And yet, based on where each of us find ourselves, the very notion of “reformation” might sit quite differently. For some, life – and even faith – may feel chaotic, confusing, and stirred up. While for others, there may be hunger for a long overdue shift in thinking, shift in society, or shift in faith that more clearly resembles the whole of God’s Good News. Point being: we approach “reformation” based on where we find ourselves, and where we find ourselves as the church. So, as we gather in worship this weekend, join us as we recall the changing and shaking that is happening, and perhaps the changing and the shaking that needs to happen in our lives, the world, and the church as we join with Christ in mission.

Sunday, October 29, 2023, Reformation Sunday Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Prelude: Blessed Assurance. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Text and Music: © 2011 The Lorenz Publishing corporation. Covered under One License subscription. Gathering Song: A Mighty Fortress is Our God. Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; tr. Lutheran Book of Worship. Music: Martin Luther. Text and Music: © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription.
Hymn of the Day: The Church of Christ in Ev’ry Age. Text: Fred Pratt Green, 1903-2000. Music: William Knapp, 1698-1768. Text and Music: © 1971 Hope Publishing Company. Covered under One License subscription. Offering Song: Reflection. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Text and Music: © 2016 The Lorenz Publishing Corporation. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: Reformation Song. Text and Music: Bob Kauflin and Tim Chester. Text and Music: © Sovereign Grace Praise (Admin. by Integrity Music). Covered under CCLI License subscription. Sending Song: Send Us Out. Text & Music: James Hersch. Text & Music: © 1994 Dakota Road Music. Covered under One License subscription.