
News & Events

Supper at the Lighthouse with SOTC

June 24 @ 5:30 pm

Looking for a night off from cooking? You’re in luck! Join your fellow Shepherds for a night out at The Lighthouse (2142 Water Street, Fairport). If you’re interested in attending, sign up in the narthex or contact the main office so we can reserve a section in the restaurant. 

Blessing and Farewell for Bakke’s

Sunday, June 25

For many, many years, the Bakke’s have devoted themselves to SOTC and to the mission of Jesus. Join us as we offer our thanks and blessing before they depart for Rockford later this summer. At the close of worship, we’ll offer a blessing and plant a tree in their honor.

SOTC T-Shirts

Sign up by Sunday, July 2 to order

Looking to update your SOTC swag? Or, looking to potentially help as a part of a pie fundraiser as a part of RAGBRAI on July 29? Consider buying a SOTC shirt! We will be encouraging volunteers on July 29 to wear this shirt.

Shirts are $20. Shirt color will be an oatmeal/off white with a dark navy image. See image below. Sign up in the narthex or contact the main office to sign up!

Baking Pies for RAGBRAI

Saturday, July 29

We’re looking for bakers and for volunteers to man a joint congregation pie booth as a part of the RAGBRAI event coming through Muscatine on July 29. 

Funds raised will be distributed back to congregations according to how many pies each congregation contributed/sold. 

Willing to help bake? Or, volunteer on July 29? We’ll need YOU! Contact Melissa Booth, Mackenzie Gilbert, or Delene McConnaha to sign up or see the sign up sheets in the narthex.

Next Joint Worship with New Era

July 16 @ New Era, 9:00 am

After hosting New Era in June, we’re looking forward to joining them in their church! Our offering will once again support the Iowa Bishop’s RAGBRAI for Hunger Initiative.

If you’d like to be a part of the choir and missed signing up, contact Delene McConnaha for more information.


News & Events

A Celebration of Worship and Offerings

Next Joint Worship with New Era: July 16 @ New Era

It was a joy to share in worship together with those from New Era! Thanks to your donations, we collected $549.00 to benefit the Iowa Bishop’s RABGRAI for Hunger initiative. Funds will support ELCA World Hunger along with synodical hunger initiatives. If you’d like to give online toward this effort, give through Tithely. Be sure to select “Iowa Bishop’s RAGBRAI for Hunger” in the drop down menu.

Our next joint worship will be at New Era on July 16 at 9:00am. If you’d like to be a part of the choir and missed signing up this weekend, contact Delene McConnaha

Pastor Aleese Office Hours this Week

Due to Christian Day Camp, Pastor Aleese will not have scheduled office hours Tuesday – Friday. Though she will not be at church, she continues to be available via cell phone and email.

Women’s Group Change of June Date

Saturday, June 17 @ 8:30 am

It’s this Saturday! Note that last week’s weekly update advertised an incorrect time. We meet at 8:30am. Join us as we begin our summer study in the Gospel of John!

SOTC T-Shirts

Sign up by Sunday, July 2 to order

Looking to update your SOTC swag? Or, looking to potentially help as a part of a pie fundraiser as a part of RAGBRAI on July 29? Consider buying a SOTC shirt! We will be encouraging volunteers on July 29 to wear this shirt.

Shirts are $20. Shirt color will be an oatmeal/off white with a dark navy image. See image below. Sign up in the narthex or contact the main office to sign up!

Blessing and Farewell for Bakke’s

Sunday, June 25

For many, many years, the Bakke’s have devoted themselves to SOTC and to the mission of Jesus. Join us as we offer our thanks and blessing before they depart for Rockford later this summer. At the close of worship, we’ll offer a blessing and plant a tree in their honor.

Fill the Truck

Saturday, June 17, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Family Resources is needing volunteers to greet shoppers at the Hy-Vee store  (2nd Ave., Muscatine) entrance, hand out an item wish list, receive donations from the public, assist with placing donations in the sponsored truck, and assist with recording donations as they are received. Items collected during the Fill the Truck will benefit Family Resources Domestic Abuse Shelter and the clients served through the program. Contact Bob Stone if you are interested in volunteering your time. 

Baking Pies for RAGBRAI

Saturday, July 29

We’re looking for bakers and for volunteers to man a joint congregation pie booth as a part of the RAGBRAI event coming through Muscatine on July 29. 

Funds raised will be distributed back to congregations according to how many pies each congregation contributed/sold. 

Willing to help bake? Or, volunteer on July 29? We’ll need YOU! Contact Melissa Booth, Mackenzie Gilbert, or Delene McConnaha to sign up or see the sign up sheets in the narthex.

Supper at the Lighthouse with SOTC

June 24 @ 5:30 pm

Looking for a night off from cooking? You’re in luck! Join your fellow Shepherds for a night out at The Lighthouse (2142 Water Street, Fairport). If you’re interested in attending, sign up in the narthex or contact the main office so we can reserve a section in the restaurant. 

Worship Services

Worship: The Call of Discipleship

Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 | The saying goes, “There’s only so many hours in the day.” With varied commitments that we all carry, it can be challenging to attend to everything that needs our attention let alone think about living out our call as disciples of Jesus. And yet, God desires more than a portion of our lives. God calls us to follow with the whole of our being so that we might live in God’s promised fullness, and so that those around us – even the most unlikely of people – might be brought into the fold of God’s care. As a fellow seeker of Christ, join us as we wrestle with what discipleship means, and as we once again experience God’s hand outstretched to us – making us whole.

Sunday, June 11, 2023, Second Sunday of Pentecost Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A.Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Prelude: We’re Marching to Zion. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Music: © 1967 OCP. Covered under One License subscription.
Gathering Song: What Is This Place. Text: Huub Oosterhuis, b. 1933; tr, David Smith, b. 1933. Music: A. Valerius, Nederlandtsch Gedenckclanck, 1626; arr. Adrian Engels, b. 1906. Text and Music: © 1984 TEAM Publications, admin. OCP Publications. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: The Lord Now Sends Us Forth. Text: Anonymous, Central America; tr. Gerhard M. Cartford, b. 1923. Music: Anonymous, Central America. Words and
Music: © 1998 Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription. Gospel Acclamation: Celtic Alleluia. Text and Music: Christopher Walker and Fintan O’Carroll. Text and Music: © 1985 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Offering Song: As the Grains of Wheat. Text and Music: Marty Haugen. Words and Music: © 1990 GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: Morning Has Broken. Text and Music: Eleanor Farjeon. Text and Music: © 1957 AGEHR Publishing. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me. Text and Music: African American spiritual. Text and Music © 1995 Augsburg Fortress Publishers. Covered under One License subscription. Liturgy: Now the Feast and Celebration. by Marty Haugen.©1990 by GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription.


News & Events

Joint Worship with New Era

June 11 @ 9:00 am @ SOTC
July 16 @ 9:00am @ New Era

Earlier this spring, our Worship and Music Team had an idea to invite New Era to participate in a joint worship service as a gesture of hospitality and as a way to live as one in the body of Christ. Currently, New Era does not have a called pastor. 

After conversations between SOTC and New Era leaders, we’re excited to share that we will worship together twice this summer. To be clear: the intent of these two worship services is simply to worship together this summer. We, along with New Era, are not approaching these two worship services with an expectation for something to occur post-summer. 

We are looking forward to offering our praise to Jesus together as one in the body of Christ and hope you’ll be able to join us!  If you have any questions or concerns, contact Delene McConnahaMackenzie Gilbert, or Pastor Aleese

Offerings on June 11 and July 16

Benefitting Iowa Bishops’ RAGBRAI for Hunger Initiative 

To create a collaborative environment even within the collection of our offering, our offerings during joint worship services will go toward the Iowa Bishop’s RAGBRAI for Hunger Initiative. Three Iowa Bishops are riding the 50th annual RAGBRAI to raise $50,000 to fight hunger and are highlighting 50 anti-hunger ministries along the way. Funds raised throughout the synod will support ELCA World Hunger along with synodical hunger initiatives. 

If you desire to give an offering to your home congregation, you may do so outside of worship. Anything offered during worship (cash, check, and electronic giving) will be given toward the Iowa Bishop’s RAGBRAI for Hunger. 

If you regularly give through or another electronic giving platform, your contribution will be directed toward your home congregation. 

Choir with New Era

Respond by Sunday, June 11

Do you like to sing? Would you like to sing in a joint choir? As a part of our joint worship with New Era on July 16, leaders are seeking to form a one-time choir. If you’re interested in singing, sign up in the narthex or contact the church office. 

SOTC T-Shirts

Sign up by Sunday, July 2 to order

Looking to update your SOTC swag? Or, looking to potentially help as a part of a pie fundraiser as a part of RAGBRAI this summer?

Currently, we have a team of people coordinating a fundraising opportunity to sell treats as RAGBRAI riders come through town on July 29. We are coordinating with the Chamber of Commerce, along with other churches. The intent is for the proceeds to benefit each local congregation. For example, if Shepherd contributes 20 pies, we receive the proceeds of the sale of those 20 pies. 

More information will be coming soon about needs for the RAGBRAI sale (i.e.: treats and volunteers needed). But for now, consider buying a SOTC shirt! We encourage volunteers on July 29 to wear this shirt. Not able to participate on July 29 with us! Purchase a shirt anyway to wear whenever you’d like!

Shirts are $20. Shirt color will be an oatmeal/off white with a dark navy image. See image below. Sign up in the narthex or contact the main office to sign up!

Women’s Group Change of June Date

Saturday, June 17 @ 10:30 am

Because of schedule conflicts for many of our regular Women’s Group attendees, we are moving Women’s Group from June 10 to June 17. Join us as we begin our summer study in the Gospel of John!

Supper at the Lighthouse with SOTC

June 24 @ 5:30 pm

Join us for a night of fellowship with your Shepherds! We’ll meet at The Lighthouse (2142 Water Street, Fairport). If you’re interested in attending, sign up in the narthex or contact the main office so we can reserve a spot for us.

Fill the Truck

Saturday, June 17, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Family Resources is needing volunteers to greet shoppers at the Hy-Vee store  (2nd Ave., Muscatine) entrance, hand out an item wish list, receive donations from the public, assist with placing donations in the sponsored truck, and assist with recording donations as they are received. Items collected during the Fill the Truck will benefit Family Resources Domestic Abuse Shelter and the clients served through the program. Contact Bob Stone if you are interested in volunteering your time. 

Baking Pies for RAGBRAI

Plans are in the works to be a part of a multi-congregation fundraising effort as a part of the RAGBRAI event coming through Muscatine on July 29. Funds raised will be distributed back to congregations according to how many pies each congregation contributed/sold. 

Willing to help bake? Or, volunteer on July 29? We’ll need YOU! Contact Melissa BoothMackenzie Gilbert, or Delene McConnaha for more information. 

Blessing and Farewell for Bakke’s

Sunday, June 25

For many, many years, the Bakke’s have devoted themselves to SOTC and to the mission of Jesus. Join us as we offer our thanks and blessing before they depart for Rockford later this summer. At the close of worship, we’ll offer a blessing and plant a tree in their honor. 


News & Events

Spring Cleaning at SOTC

Sunday, June 4, after worship

It’s this coming Sunday! Stick around after worship to help with some indoor and outdoor projects. Not available on June 4?  Check out the list of projects in the narthex and complete it at a time that’s convenient for you. Thank you in advance for all your help!

Joint Worship with New Era

June 11 @ 9:00 am @ SOTC
July 16 @ 9:00am @ New Era

Earlier this spring, our Worship and Music Team had an idea to invite New Era to participate in a joint worship service as a gesture of hospitality and as a way to live as one in the body of Christ. Currently, New Era does not have a called pastor. 

Now, we are excited to announce that, after conversations between SOTC and New Era leaders, we will be joining together for worship twice this summer – once at SOTC and once at New Era. Our intention in worship is to have worship volunteers actively participating from both congregations, and to use liturgy/music that is familiar to both congregations.

To be clear: the intent of these two worship services is simply to worship together this summer. We, along with New Era, are not approaching these two worship services with an expectation for something to occur post-summer. 

We are looking forward to offering our praise to Jesus together as one in the body of Christ and hope you’ll be able to join us!  If you have any questions or concerns, contact Delene McConnahaMackenzie Gilbert, or Pastor Aleese

Choir with New Era

Respond by Sunday, June 11

Do you like to sing? Would you like to sing in a joint choir? As a part of our joint worship with New Era on July 16, leaders are seeking to form a one-time choir. If you’re interested in singing, sign up in the narthex or contact the church office. 

Supper at the Lighthouse with SOTC

June 24 @ 5:30 pm

Join us for a night of fellowship with your Shepherds! We’ll meet at The Lighthouse (2142 Water Street, Fairport). If you’re interested in attending, sign up in the narthex or contact the main office so we can reserve a spot for us.

Book Club Initial Meeting Reminder

Wednesday, May 31 @ 6:00 @ Grace

We’ve got a crew together for the summer! Join us for our initial meeting in which we will give instruction of how/where to get your copy of a book, go over what book club will be like, and set meeting dates for the summer. If you are unable to make this initial meeting time, talk to Pastor Aleese

Summer GOLF (Generations of Living Faith) Nights!

June 11, July 16, August 20
5:30 – 7:00 pm (dinner @ 5:30)

By now you’ve likely heard about the summer GOLF nights that SOTC is hosting, along with several other Muscatine congregations. But now…we need to know if you’re planning on coming! RSVP by end of the day Sunday, June 4 if you’re planning on joining us! All are welcome – families, adults, kids, individuals….EVERYONE!

Muscatine Welcomes a New Ukrainian Family

Muscatine is preparing to welcome a Ukrainian family – mother, father, young son (6 years old). The family has been housed in Poland since the beginning of the war. To help make their transition to Muscatine smooth, community organizers are looking for the following donations. If you desire to provide any of these items, contact Pastor Aleese immediately so she can notify the organizers that the item you are donating is no longer needed. 

Items needed are:

  • 3 bath towels
  • 3 hand towels
  • 3 wash clothes
  • 1 twin sheet set (including pillow case)
  • Paper, pens, pencils, home office supplies
  • Dish soap, laundry soap, fabric softener, laundry basket
  • Wastebaskets – 2 kitchen sized, 2 small sized
  • trash bags for wastebaskets
  • mop and bucket
  • broom and dustpan
  • mattress and boxspring – twin set, queen set
  • bed frames – twin set, queen set 
  • set of drawers or unit for storage (3)
  • couch or equivalent seating for 4

Asylum Seekers Need your Help!

Now that Title 42 has ended, new rules will make it very difficult for many individuals and families to seek safety in the United Sates and many will be turned away. Those that are allowed to stay will arrive with little or nothing. Welcome Centers are so critical during this time. When asylum seekers enter these centers, they are offered emergency food, housing, financial assistance, connections to community resources, and legal and education services. These simple gestures honor their dignity and let them know so many people deeply care about them.

The situation is urgent. The fastest way to make an impact is to give through Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services (LIRS). Thank you for your support of those in the body of Christ near and far!

Baking Pies for RAGBRAI

Plans are in the works to be a part of a multi-congregation fundraising effort as a part of the RAGBRAI event coming through Muscatine on July 29. Funds raised will be distributed back to congregations according to how many pies each congregation contributed/sold. 

Willing to help bake? Or, volunteer on July 29? We’ll need YOU! Contact Melissa BoothMackenzie Gilbert, or Delene McConnaha for more information. 

Blessing and Farewell for Bakke’s

Sunday, June 25

For many, many years, the Bakke’s have devoted themselves to SOTC and to the mission of Jesus. Join us as we offer our thanks and blessing before they depart for Rockford later this summer. At the close of worship, we’ll offer a blessing and plant a tree in their honor. 


News & Events

Wear Red for Pentecost Sunday!

Sunday, May 28

The Day of Pentecost marks the end of the season of Easter. Referencing Acts 2, we will remember the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Jerusalem, and will open ourselves to receive that same Spirit in worship. So as to mark the occasion, and to symbolize the color of the Spirit, wear red to worship this coming Sunday!

Spring Cleaning at SOTC

Sunday, June 4, after worship

Can you help with some odds and ends around the church to keep our church building and grounds looking well kept? If you are available to help on June 4, wear your service attire to worship and stick around after worship to help us with some projects. If you are not available on June 4, check out the list in the narthex, sign up, and complete it at a time that is convenient for you. Thank you in advance for all your help!

Volunteers needed for Christian Day Camp 

June 13 – 16, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

We are super pumped to gather 80 kids from Muscatine for a week of Bible camp! But…we need some help! Because of the response of kids, we need some more adult (and middle school and high school) volunteers. If you’re able to help out for only one day, or only for the morning or afternoon, we’ll take you! If you’re interested/available, contact Pastor Aleese by Friday, May 26.

Summer Book Club

Initial Meeting Date: Wednesday, May 31 @ 6:00 @ Grace

We’ve got a crew together for the summer! Join us for our initial meeting in which we will give instruction of how/where to get your copy of a book, go over what book club will be like, and set meeting dates for the summer. If you are unable to make this initial meeting time, talk to Pastor Aleese

Summer GOLF Nights!

June 11, July 16, August 20
5:30 – 7:00 pm

Throughout the school year, we hosted GOLF (Generations of Living Faith) nights. This summer, we’re extended these nights and we’re inviting other congregations to join the fun! Grace Lutheran, Zion Lutheran, and Faith United Church of Christ will be joining us for sure, and there is potential for more to come!

Because summer schedules are different than the school year, we’re adapting our time. We’ll begin with a meal from 5:30 – 6:00 pm and then have our time of learning and fellowship from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. To help plan for food and activities, we are asking people to RSVP one week prior to the event. You can RSVP online or using the paper form in the narthex. Paper forms can be put on Kathy’s desk in the main office. 

All are welcome – families, adults, kids, individuals….EVERYONE!

VBS for Kids Ages 3-5

June 13-16, 10:00-11:30 am @ Grace

Many of our older youth are taking advantage of the Christian Day Camp – an ecumenical opportunity at Saulsbury Park. But, that leaves a gap for our younger kids. In response, area churches are organizing a VBS for kids ages 3-5. Host congregation will be Grace. If you have a child who would like to participate, fill out this form and return it to the church office. Or, pick up a paper form in the narthex. Spread the word to families you know!

If you’re willing to assist as an adult/youth leader, contact Pastor Aleese

Summer Mission Trip Opportunity

Earlier this spring, a few families had the crazy idea to make our own mission trip in early August. Enough families and youth have expressed interest to make this happen! We’re likely headed toward St. Louis. Details are still forthcoming. If you are interested in hearing more and being a part of the brainstorming to determine next steps, contact Pastor Aleese. Then, Pastor Aleese will convene those families/individuals. All ages welcome!

SOTC T-Shirt Sale

Last week you may have heard about an upcoming SOTC T-shirt sale. We’re still moving forward with getting some shirts, but we’ve taken a brief pause to solidify a design. 

Later this summer, SOTC will have the opportunity to provide/sell pie as a part of a RAGBRAI vendor booth with other local congregations. To help us stand out, we’re creating a shirt!

Watch for more details to come soon!

Change of Liturgy Setting in Worship

Beginning June 4

As one in the body of Christ, we are bound together by the Spirit. Though new to us at Shepherd, this summer we’ll be using a liturgy setting from the Catholic church. 

Begin learning the music along with our musicians as they rehearse! Open this playlist when you’re in the car or cooking supper! 


News & Events

Spring Cleaning at SOTC

Sunday, June 4, after worship

It’s that time of year again when the Property Team is asking for assistance in keeping the church building and grounds looking well kept.

If you are available to help on June 4, wear your service attire to worship, stick around after our Sunday service and help us check some tasks off our “to do” list.

If you are not available that day, check out the list in the narthex, sign up, and complete it at a time that is convenient for you. Thank you in advance for all your help!

Summer Book Club

Last week to indicate your interest!

By this point, you’ve likely heard of our book club for this summer. We’ll be reading two books: The Great Divorce by CS Lewis and Surprised by Hope by NT Wright. Disclaimer: Subject matter of The Great Divorce is not a reflection of marital divorce. 

Throughout the summer, we’ll meet as a Book Club to discuss what we’re reading. The intent of Book Club is to experience what we’re reading together, allowing one another to walk alongside each other as we make new discoveries. For this reason, we encourage those who participate not to read ahead, but read in pace with one another. 

Once our group is formed, we will send out links to purchase these two books, select a time to initially meet to set a schedule, and create a calendar of how far we are reading. Know that we will be breaking these books up into several chunks, allowing time to discuss sections at a time. 

If you’re interested, sign up by Sunday, May 21. Questions? Talk to Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese

Summer GOLF Nights!

June 11, July 16, August 20
5:30 – 7:00 pm

Throughout the school year, we hosted GOLF (Generations of Living Faith) nights. This summer, we’re extended these nights and we’re inviting other congregations to join the fun! Grace Lutheran, Zion Lutheran, and Faith United Church of Christ will be joining us for sure, and there is potential for more to come!

Because summer schedules are different than the school year, we’re adapting our time. We’ll begin with a meal from 5:30 – 6:00 pm and then have our time of learning and fellowship from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. To help plan for food and activities, we are asking people to RSVP one week prior to the event. You can RSVP online or using the paper form in the narthex. Paper forms can be put on Kathy’s desk in the main office. 

All are welcome – families, adults, kids, individuals….EVERYONE!

VBS for Kids Ages 3-5

June 13-16, 10:00-11:30 am @ Grace

Many of our older youth are taking advantage of the Christian Day Camp – an ecumenical opportunity at Saulsbury Park. But, that leaves a gap for our younger kids. In response, area churches are organizing a VBS for kids ages 3-5. Host congregation will be Grace.

If you have a child who would like to participate, fill out this form and return it to the church office. Or, pick up a paper form in the narthex. Spread the word to families you know!

If you’re willing to assist as an adult/youth leader, contact Pastor Aleese

Growing and Going Initiative

Our leaves are growing! Through your help, $1,930.00 of expenses have been paid for! Thank you for your support!

If you’d like to hop on board, take a leaf from the bulletin board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.” Thanks for your support of the mission of Jesus through Shepherd of the Cross!

SOTC T-Shirt Sale

Have you seen some of our SOTC T-shirts, but don’t have one? Or, has yours become a bit tattered? Or, would you like a long-sleeved option? 

In the coming weeks, we’ll be offering a t-shirt design to the congregation and an opportunity to order shirts. Both short-sleeved and long-sleeved options will be available. Color is a deep red with white lettering. Cost = $15/short sleeve, $20/long sleeve. For each shirt sold, SOTC will get $5!

Look for more information soon!

Change of Liturgy Setting in Worship

Beginning June 4

As one in the body of Christ, we are bound together by the Spirit. Though new to us at Shepherd, this summer we’ll be using a liturgy setting from the Catholic church. 

Begin learning the music along with our musicians as they rehearse! Open this playlist when you’re in the car or cooking supper! 


News & Events

Congrats to our high school graduates!

This Sunday we honored our high school grads during worship and fellowship. We offered them a gift of a blanket – surrounding them with God’s love and our love as a congregation, offered them our promise to continue walking with them as fellow disciples of Jesus, and offered them God’s blessings as they go on their way. If you missed us this past weekend, check out this video that highlights the witness of Brynn, Jake, and Noah as they live as living stones, chosen and precious in God’s sight.

Summer Book Club

Respond by Sunday, May 21 to indicate your interest!

Looking for a group of people to nurture you on your faith journey this summer and open you to new perspectives? Consider joining us! We’ll be reading two books: The Great Divorce by CS Lewis and Surprised by Hope by NT Wright. Click the link of each book to get a sense of what each book is about. Disclaimer: Subject matter of The Great Divorce is not a reflection of marital divorce. 

Throughout the summer, we’ll meet as a Book Club to discuss what we’re reading. The intent of Book Club is to experience what we’re reading together, allowing one another to walk alongside each other as we make new discoveries. For this reason, we encourage those who participate not to read ahead, but read in pace with one another. 

Once our group is formed, we will send out links to purchase these two books, select a time to initially meet to set a schedule, and create a calendar of how far we are reading. Know that we will be breaking these books up into several chunks, allowing time to discuss sections at a time. 

If you’re interested, sign up here by Sunday, May 21. Questions? Talk to Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese

Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine

Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm

It’s coming up soon! A small group will be traveling to Des Moines with Pastor Aleese. Would you like to join us? Bishop Amy Current and Bishop Yehiel Curry (Metro Chicago Synod of the ELCA) will speak and Rachel Kurtz will provide music throughout the day. Inflatable bounce houses will be available to kids, along with outside lawn games, and balloon artists. Ministry tables will be set up to explore the ministries connected to our synod, and food will be available on site.  

If you’re interested in joining us, contact Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool! Click here for more information. 

Growing and Going Initiative

Thank you to those who have hopped on board! To supplement our general offerings, we are inviting congregational members to sponsor and expense. Each leaf on our growing vine has the name of an expense along with its cost. If you’d like to sponsor a leaf, simply take the leaf off the board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.”

If you’d like to sponsor a leaf but won’t be at church in the near future, contact the main office. 

VBS for Kids Ages 3-5

June 13-16, 10:00-11:30 am @ Grace

Many of our older youth are taking advantage of the Christian Day Camp – an ecumenical opportunity at Saulsbury Park. But, that leaves a gap for our younger kids.

In response, area churches are organizing a VBS for kids ages 3-5. Host congregation will be Grace.

More information is coming soon. Mark your calendars and spread the word to families you know! If you’re willing to assist as an adult leader, contact Pastor Aleese

Summer Events – Save the Dates!

Our Social Team has some fun lined up for us this summer! Sign ups will come later this summer, but mark your calendars now to join with others in your church community!

Sat, June 24 – 5:30 pm
Dinner out at The Lighthouse, Fairport

Sun, July 9 – after worship
Ice Cream social fellowship

Sat, August 12 – 6:30 pm
River Bandits Baseball game with SOTC, Grace, and Zion


News & Events

High School Graduate Recognition Sunday

Sunday, May 7

It’s this Sunday! Join us as we honor Brynn Eichelberger (MCSD), Jake Walton (Wilton), and Noah Jorgensen (Rockridge). We’ll offer a blessing during worship, gifts on behalf of the congregation, and our congrats during fellowship!

Summer Book Club

Respond by Sunday, May 21 to indicate your interest!

Looking for a group of people to nurture you on your faith journey this summer and open you to new perspectives? Consider joining us! We’ll be reading two books: The Great Divorce by CS Lewis and Surprised by Hope by NT Wright. Click the link of each book to get a sense of what each book is about. On the whole, these two books explore themes of heaven, hell, grace, and resurrection. Disclaimer: Subject matter of The Great Divorce is not a reflection of marital divorce. 

Book Club will meet based on the schedules of those interested. We’ll aim to meet on a weekly basis, but this may fluctuate based on the people involved. If you’re not able to make each gathering, that’s ok! We will begin in June. 

Interested? Sign up here by Sunday, May 21. Then, we will be in touch with those interested to determine a schedule for the summer. 

Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine

Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm

Imagine an event designed to nourish people in God’s Word, connect people to one another, and reimagine what it means to be the church. 

That’s what the synod revival is all about! This event is free of charge and is intended to be a joyful, fun gathering for all ages full of inspiration, worship, food, and prayer.

Bishop Amy Current and Bishop Yehiel Curry (Metro Chicago Synod of the ELCA) will speak and Rachel Kurtz will provide music throughout the day. Inflatable bounce houses will be available to kids, along with outside lawn games, and balloon artists. Ministry tables will be set up to explore the ministries connected to our synod, and food will be available on site. 

If you’re interested in joining us, contact Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool! Click here for more information. 

Growing and Going Initiative

Thank you to those who have hopped on board! To supplement our general offerings, we are inviting congregational members to sponsor and expense. Each leaf on our growing vine has the name of an expense along with its cost. If you’d like to sponsor a leaf, simply take the leaf off the board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.”

If you’d like to sponsor a leaf but won’t be at church in the near future, contact the main office. 

VBS for Kids Ages 3-5

June 13-16, 10:00-11:30 am @ Grace

Many of our older youth are taking advantage of the Christian Day Camp – an ecumenical opportunity at Saulsbury Park. But, that leaves a gap for our younger kids.

In response, area churches are organizing a VBS for kids ages 3-5. Host congregation will be Grace.

More information is coming soon. Mark your calendars and spread the word to families you know! If you’re willing to assist as an adult leader, contact Pastor Aleese

Summer Events – Save the Dates!

Our Social Team has some fun lined up for us this summer! Sign ups will come later this summer, but mark your calendars now to join with others in your church community!

Sat, June 24 – 5:30 pm
Dinner out at The Lighthouse, Fairport

Sun, July 9 – after worship
Ice Cream social fellowship

Sat, August 12 – 6:30 pm
River Bandits Baseball game with SOTC, Grace, and Zion


News & Events

Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine

Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm

Imagine an event designed to nourish people in God’s Word, connect people to one another, and reimagine what it means to be the church. 

That’s what the synod revival is all about! This event is free of charge and is intended to be a joyful, fun gathering for all ages full of inspiration, worship, food, and prayer.

Bishop Amy Current and Bishop Yehiel Curry (Metro Chicago Synod of the ELCA) will speak and Rachel Kurtz will provide music throughout the day. Inflatable bounce houses will be available to kids, along with outside lawn games, and balloon artists. Ministry tables will be set up to explore the ministries connected to our synod, and food will be available on site. 

If you’re interested in joining us, contact Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool! Click here for more information. 

High School Graduate Recognition Sunday

Sunday, May 7

Can you believe it? We’re inching up on the end of another school year! Though graduation for many of our seniors at Shepherd is still a month away, we are going to celebrate them earlier in May. This year we’ll be honoring Brynn Eichelberger (MCSD), Jake Walton (Wilton), and Noah Jorgensen (Rockridge). 

Make sure to join us as we offer a blessing during worship, offer gifts on behalf of the congregation, and offer our congrats during fellowship!

Growing and Going Initiative

Can you help us keep growing in Christ and going in mission? 

To supplement our general offerings, we are beginning an initiative for congregational members to sponsor and expense. Each leaf on our growing vine has the name of an expense along with its cost. If you’d like to sponsor a leaf, simply take the leaf off the board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.”

To start us off, some of our expenses that need sponsoring are the following:

  • Freers and Sons (snow removal and salt) – $200
  • Communion wine – $15
  • Christ in Our Home Devotionals – $25
  • MPW Utilities – $300
  • Internet Service for a month – $85

If you’d like to sponsor a leaf but won’t be at church in the near future, contact the main office. 

Update on Yard and Bake Sale

Based on the responses of possible volunteers, we will not host an in-person yard sale on May 6. Instead, we are encouraging congregational members to sell their items through Facebook Marketplace and contribute their earnings as a donation to the church. Unsure how to do that but you’d like to participate? We can help! Talk to Connie Hoekstra or Melissa Booth for more information. Note that we are pursuing a possible bake sale at someone’s house in Wilton, and/or a bake sale in conjunction with RAGBRAI this July.

Last GOLF Night for the School Year!

Sunday, April 30

Mark your calendars now for our last Generations of Living Faith Night of the school year! All are invited!

Riverbend Bronze Handbell Ensemble

Sat, April 29 @ 2:00 pm

This is a free concert with a free-will offering at Wesley United Methodist Church. Presenting with over 300 bells and chimes, the RiverBend Bronze is the Quad Cities premier handbell ensemble. Hailing from communities in Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa, these 20+ volunteer bell-ringers started practice in January and continue to meet for a minimum three hours of rehearsal each week. The Wesley Handbell Choir will also play a few selections.

Summer Events – Save the Dates!

Our Social Team has some fun lined up for us this summer! Sign ups will come later this summer, but mark your calendars now to join with others in your church community!

Sat, June 24 – 5:30 pm
Dinner out at The Lighthouse, Fairport

Sun, July 9 – after worship
Ice Cream social fellowship

Sat, August 12 – 6:30 pm
River Bandits Baseball game with SOTC, Grace, and Zion