Mark 10:17-31 | “Let it go, let it go,” sings Elsa in the infamous Disney movie “Frozen.” Some things in our lives and our world might be easy to “let go of,” but other things that are closer to our hearts may be harder to simply “let go of.” Indeed, some things that we hold onto tightly may not even be things, but ideals, that we couldn’t imagine loosening our grip. But as the rich man finds out in talking with Jesus, there are often things that we hang onto which inhibit us from seeing or participating in, God’s Kingdom. Out of grace, our God “let go” of all our God had so that we might live in his Kingdom. So now, in response, dare we ask ourselves what might be blocking us from fully living in the life God intends for us and all God’s people? Join us for worship as we experience God’s grace anew and are sent to be stewards of God’s Kingdom.
In August, as a congregation, we dedicated ourselves to 30 days of prayer: discerning our involvement in collaborative ministry with our fellow ELCA churches. For various reasons, formalized conversations have not begun yet. However, have you seen the fruits of shared ministry?
We gathered much needed supplies for God’s Work Our Hands Day,
planning for a joint Trunk or Treat is underway (see below!),
17 youth attended our first joint High School Youth Night – playing games, getting to know each other, having s’mores around a bonfire, and praying for one another,
and on average, 25-30 people ages toddler-adult are attending Family Faith Nights at Grace on Wednesdays.
God is up to something, and it’s been incredible to see it taking shape! Check out some recent pics of our youth at Youth Group and cleaning up yards as a part of our Family Faith Night.
Crafting for a Cause | Kids Helping Kids
Along with other local congregations, Wesley has recently asked asked area churches to participate in a craft fundraiser on Saturday, October 30 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. The event will raise funds benefitting the Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center (MVCPC). Shepherd has already committed to being a part of this, so we need your help! Here’s what you need to know: Crafting for a Cause flyer
Opportunities for Kids:
SOTC Sunday School youth will be making crayon molds with Kathy Dunham. In order to find a good time to do our project, families,please complete this scheduling poll.
In addition to making something together as a group, if families would like to make something on thier own, go for it! (jewelry, slime, stress balloons, hair ties, decorations, picture frames, flower pots, play dough, bookmarks, ornaments, marshmallow shooters, etc.) Talk to Kathy if interested.
Opportunities for Adults:
We need crayons for our project! Bring your broken/half used crayons to SOTC and dump in the bucket in the narthex.
Adults can also make a monetary donation to sponsor a table spot for a child. Offer your contribution on Sunday mornings, and indicate “Crafting for a Cause.”
Most importantly, come support us on the 30th! See flyer below. A flyer to help advertise Crafting for a Cause to the greater community will be available to share soon.
Trunk or Treat
Wednesday, October 27, 5:30 – 7:00 pm @ Grace
Historically, SOTC has hosted a community Trunk or Treat event. This year, we’re collaborating with Zion and Grace! All kids and families, even outside our three congregations, are welcome! Kids are invited to come in costume. For safety, face masks are required. There is no cost for the event, but if you’re feeling generous, pick up a canned food item to bring to our drive at the event.
Mark your calendars…and, help us out if you can!
Sign up to host a trunk. Get ideas online if you’re looking for something creative! Trunk hosts must provide your own candy. If you’d like to have a game at your trunk, go for it! Trunks must be set up by 5:15 pm
Help us spread the news! Download the pdf flyer and share with your family and friends. We hope to have a Facebook event to share soon.
After moving our typical date for Women’s Group in September, we return to meeting on the second Saturday of the month. Join us as we continue our discussion on the Holy Spirit, focusing on how the Spirit revives and reforms us no matter the season of our life.
Sunday Adult Ed
Begins October 10, 10:30am
In combination with our stewardship emphasis, we will resume Adult Education on Sunday mornings beginning October 10. Discussion will center on our theme from worship, starting with the theme on the 10th: Stewarding God’s Kingdom. Not able to stay the whole time? Join us for as long as you’re able!
Last call! If you have not added your information for our Narrative Directory, please do so as soon as possible! One form per household, please. Once you complete your form, send a candid shot of your family (something that represents who you are) to Questions? Contact Melissa Booth.
Crafting for a Cause | Kids Helping Kids
As you may have heard Sunday, Wesley United Methodist Church has asked area churches to participate in a craft fundraiser on Saturday, October 30 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. The event will raise funds benefitting the Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center (MVCPC). Here’s what you need to know:
Opportunities for Kids:
SOTC youth through 12th grade are invited to help make crafts to sell. We will be doing this as a group with our Sunday School aged kids. In order to find a good time to do our project, families,please complete this scheduling poll.
Want to make something on your own? (jewelry, slime, stress balloons, hair ties, decorations, picture frames, flower pots, play dough, bookmarks, ornaments, marshmallow shooters, etc.) Go for it! Talk to Kathy if interested.
Opportunities for Adults:
We need crayons for our project! Bring your broken/half used crayons to SOTC and dump in the bucket in the narthex.
Adults can also make a monetary donation to sponsor a table spot for a child.
Most importantly, come support us on the 30th! See flyer below. A flyer to help advertise Crafting for a Cause to the greater community will be available to share soon.
Trunk or Treat
Wednesday, October 27, 5:30 – 7:00 pm @ Grace
Historically, SOTC has hosted a community Trunk or Treat event. This year, we’re collaborating with Zion and Grace! All kids and families, even outside our three congregations, are welcome! Kids are invited to come in costume. For safety, face masks are required. There is no cost for the event, but if you’re feeling generous, pick up a canned food item to bring to our drive at the event.
Mark your calendars…and, help us out if you can!
Sign up to host a trunk. Get ideas online if you’re looking for something creative! Trunk hosts must provide your own candy. If you’d like to have a game at your trunk, go for it! Trunks must be set up by 5:15 pm
Help us spread the news! Download the pdf flyer and share with your family and friends. We hope to have a Facebook event to share soon.
Whenever the word “stewardship” is used in the church, often it’s associated only with money. However, being stewards is all about being mindful of how we are using all the gifts that God has entrusted to us so as to share the Good News of Jesus. To highlight this, in October we’ll highlight various things we are called to steward as disciples of Jesus Kick off video will be shared on Oct 3.
Sunday Adult Ed
Begins October 10
In combination with our stewardship emphasis, we will resume Adult Education on Sunday mornings beginning October 10. Discussion will center on our theme from worship, starting with the theme on the 10th: Stewarding God’s Kingdom.
We’ll meet at about 10:30 am in the large Sunday School room. Aim is to discuss for about 45 min. Not able to stay the whole time? Join us for as long as you’re able! Plan to stick around and join us as we learn more about what it means to live as followers (aka: stewards!) of God’s mission in the world!
Mark 9:38-50, Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 | Whether we like it or not, we tend to be creatures of habit. As humans, we find one way of doing something that works and we stick with it. But then how do we respond when God shows up unexpectedly? Or, not as we envisioned? We believe that God first appeared in Jesus—in the most unexpected place—to unsuspecting people. But time and time again, God’s Kingdom shows up to us in ways we might not have imagined. Join us for worship as we hear the story of Moses and the Israelites and Jesus and his disciples, and are challenged to throw away those things that keep us from embracing where and how God’s kingdom does show up.
Our new contact directory is set to go! Download it by going to the Members section and entering the password. Forgot our password? Contact the office.
Now that we have our contact information updated, to help us all get to know each other beyond cell phone numbers and email addresses, we are putting together a narrative directory. Please complete the following form (paper copies also found in the narthex), by Sunday, September 26. One form per household, please. Once you complete your form, send a candid shot of your family (something that represents who you are) to Questions? Contact Melissa Booth.
Crafting for a Cause | Kids Helping Kids
Wesley United Methodist Church has recently reached out to area churches to participate in an event on Saturday, October 30 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. The event will feature a craft show benefitting the Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center (MVCPC). For more information about MVCPC and how they serve our community, check out thier website.
Sunday School kids at SOTC will likely take some time to assist, but if you have some crafting kids, we could use your help! Wesley is looking for kids to make their own crafts (jewelry, slime, stress balloons, hair ties, decorations, picture frames, flower pots, play dough, bookmarks, ornaments, marshmallow shooters, etc.) to sell. There are opportunities for adults, as well! Adults can sponsor a table spot for a child to sell their crafts for $50. Take a look at the Crafting for a Cause flyer and Info.
If you’d like to be a part of this effort, contact Pastor Aleese for more information and we’ll get you hooked up with the right people!
Faith Formation Opportunities
With the start of the school year, we have kicked off many groups to connect you to a community in which you feel welcomed and upheld in faith. Contact Pastor Aleese or Mackenzie Gilbert for more information and to get on email reminder lists.
Family Faith Nights – Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm @ Grace Groups for Elementary, Middle School and Adults All are welcome! Elementary youth are focusing on stories of Jesus’ parables; middle school youth are diving into what it means to be saved by grace through faith; and adults are taking a deep dive into what God’s love means for our lives. Note: face masks required at Grace.
High School Youth Group – Sundays @ 5:00-6:30 pm Open to all youth 8th-12th grade! Our kick off was this past Sunday, but if you missed it, hop on board! Weekly schedule can be found on our website.
Sunday School – Sundays @ 10:30-10:50 am All PreK – 5th graders welcome! We open with a song time, review the story from worship and participate in a short activity.
God’s Work. Our Hands. Drive Update
Thank you all who donated to the joint effort of Grace, SOTC, and Zion Lutheran to help those in need in our area. Here at SOTC we collected the items pictured below. Towels, sheets, shampoo and conditioner was delivered to MCSA. The paper towels, Kleenex, antibacterial wipes and plastic silverware went to Flickinger Learning Center.
Fall Stewardship Emphasis: Sharing the Good News
Whenever the word “stewardship” is used in the church, often it’s associated only with money. However, being stewards is all about being mindful of how we are using all the gifts that God has entrusted to us so as to share the Good News of Jesus. To highlight this, in October we’ll highlight various things we are called to steward as disciples of Jesus. We kick off on October 3 with a focus on “Stewarding Relationships.” Stay tuned for more information about how you can be involved this coming October!
Women’s Group
Saturday, September 25 @ 8:30 am
Women’s Group meets next Saturday and will be starting a new series on the Holy Spirit. Celtic Christians liken the Holy Spirit not to a dove, but a goose. For three months, we’ll go on our own divine “wild goose chase,” tracking the Holy Spirit’s actions throughout the Bible and throughout our lives. We’ll explore how the Spirit moves God’s people into adventures and lives we would likely never dare risk on our own. All women welcome to join us in faith, fellowship, and prayer!
Mark 9:30-37, James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a| Welcome mats adorn people’s front steps. “All are welcome” is blasted across signs in front of churches and businesses, and “welcome home!” is a phrase we often use with we haven’t seen in a while. But what does it really mean to be “welcomed”? Join us for worship this week as we hear the promise of our God who became a servant so that we might be welcomed into God’s embrace, and as we are sent to be Christ’s welcome to all the world.
Our new contact directory is set to go! Download it by going to the Members section and entering the password. Forgot our password? Contact the office.
Now that we have our contact information updated, we are looking for your help to better get to know our fellow Shepherds! We’re putting together a narrative directory – including a picture of each family, ages of any children, and your answers to three short questions. The intent of the narrative directory is simply to have a better idea of who is in our family of faith! Complete the form (1 per household, please) by Sunday, September 26, or use the paper copies in the narthex. Once you complete your form, send a candid shot of your family (something that represents who you are) to Questions? Contact Melissa Booth.
Rally Sunday/God’s Work Our Hands Day
Sunday, September 12
Special thanks to all who stuck around after worship to offer your hands to do God’s work around the church building! We had kids and adults alike working on indoor and outdoor projects. Thanks for helping us cross some things off our do do lists and getting the building ready for fall ministries!
Family Faith Nights have begun!
Join us Wednesday, September 15, 6:30 pm @ Grace
Did you miss our opening Kick Off for Family Faith Nights last week! Have no fear! Elementary kids (and toddlers and PreK kids, too!), middle school youth (aka: FINK youth), and adults are all invited to join us this week as we officially begin our various programs! Elementary kids will be focusing on the story of the Good Samaritan, FINK youth will focus on the topic of grace, and adults will begin taking a dive into thinking about what God’s love really means for us today. Families – check your email for reminder emails from “”. If you don’t see a reminder email, check your spam or promotions tabs. For more information, contact Pastor Aleese.
Give Now for Hurricane Ida Relief
The headlines are filled with the devastation from Hurricane Ida, which made landfall near New Orleans on Aug. 30 – exactly 16 years after Hurricane Katrina. The impact of Ida is yet to be fully assessed, but with a hurricane of this scale, rebuilding will be costly and take years. Lutheran Disaster Response is working with local ELCA synods and Lutheran social service organizations to coordinate a response. Immediate needs will include food, basic necessities and temporary housing.
Your gifts will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by hurricanes until the response is complete. You may either give now through the link below or write a check to SOTC with Hurricane Ida in the memo
First Day of Sunday School
Sunday,September 19, 10:30 – 10:50 am
This year, Sunday School will be condensed to about 20 minutes to accommodate family schedules. We’ll have a song time with Pastor Aleese, followed by a review of the story we heard in worship and a brief activity led by lay leaders. Open to all kids toddler through elementary.
High School Youth Group Kick-Off
Sunday, September 19, 5:00 – 6:30 pm
We’re excited to gather youth from Zion, Grace and SOTC this year! In order to get off to a great start, and look ahead to the ELCA Youth Gathering, we will begin with a parent-youth night. Schedule and information about the Gathering will be shared. Future weeks with only youth will run from 5:00 – 6:30 pm. Not able to make it? Check in with Pastor Aleese for more information!
Mark 8: 27-38 | Have you ever noticed how different groups adopt a key phrase that becomes their “rallying cry”? That simple, short phrase is often meant to be something memorable. But it’s also meant to be something that spurs people to action. So, if we were to suggest a rallying cry for the church, what would it be? And, what would that mean for us as we live as God’s people in the world today? Join us as we confess with our lips that Jesus is our Lord, and go forth by the power of the Spirit to live out God’s message for the world.
Looking for an opportunity for your whole family to practice what it means to live as a follower of Jesus ? Look no further! SOTC and Grace are excited to look ahead to a year of Family Faith Nights starting Wednesday, September 15. Family Faith Nights will have opportunities for elementary youth, middle school youth (confirmation/FINK) and adults.
We’ll gather weekly starting September 15. But, to make sure you all know what’s going on, to settle some logistics for the year, and to ease our way back into a regular Wednesday evening set-up, we’re inviting you to a kick-off event at Grace. Note: face masks are required.
We hope you’ll join us! Make sure to wear a SOTC/God’s Work Our Hands shirt if you’ve got one, and plan on sticking around after fellowship (with ice cream!) to help complete some projects around the church. Kids are more than welcome to stick around, too! We have a “punch card” of “tasks” that we need help with!
Reminder: collaborative drive (between the Muscatine ELCA congregations) benefitting MCSA and Flickinger Learning Center will take place through Sunday, September 12. Take a look at the flyer here, to see what’s needed! Monetary donations also accepted.
Give Now for Hurricane Ida Relief
The headlines are filled with the devastation from Hurricane Ida, which made landfall near New Orleans on Aug. 30 – exactly 16 years after Hurricane Katrina. The impact of Ida is yet to be fully assessed, but with a hurricane of this scale, rebuilding will be costly and take years. Lutheran Disaster Response is working with local ELCA synods and Lutheran social service organizations to coordinate a response. Immediate needs will include food, basic necessities and temporary housing.
Your gifts will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by hurricanes until the response is complete. You may either give now through the link below or write a check to SOTC with Hurricane Ida in the memo
First Day of Sunday School
Sunday,September 19, 10:30 – 10:50 am
This year, Sunday School will be condensed to about 20 minutes to accommodate family schedules. We’ll have a song time with Pastor Aleese, followed by a review of the story we heard in worship and a brief activity led by lay leaders. Open to all kids toddler through elementary.
High School Youth Group Kick-Off
Sunday, September 19, 5:00 – 6:30 pm
We’re excited to gather youth from Zion, Grace and SOTC this year! In order to get off to a great start, and look ahead to the ELCA Youth Gathering, we will begin with a parent-youth night. Schedule and information about the Gathering will be shared. Future weeks with only youth will run from 5:00 – 6:30 pm. Not able to make it? Check in with Pastor Aleese for more information!
Looking for an opportunity for your whole family to practice what it means to live as a follower of Jesus ? Look no further! SOTC and Grace are excited to look ahead to a year of Family Faith Nights starting Wednesday, September 15. Family Faith Nights will have opportunities for elementary youth, middle school youth (confirmation/FINK) and adults.
However, to make sure you all know what’s going on, to settle some logistics for the year, and to ease our way back into a regular Wednesday evening set-up, we’re inviting you to a kick-off event! (Don’t worry…it won’t be boring! We’ve got some opening icebreaker games in mind, and when adults need to chat on thier own, we’ll have activities for young kids!)
Take a look at the flyer here for more information about what is to come, and mark your calendars to join us at the kick-off!
Rally Sunday/God’s Work Our Hands Day
Sunday, September 12
In two weeks, we’ll be celebrating God’s Work Our Hands Sunday with ELCA congregations nationwide. Here’s what you need to know:
Worship – 9:00 am Wear a SOTC t-shirt or one of your older “God’s Work Our Hands” t-shirts!
Fellowship – 10:15 am Following worship, we’ll have a special fellowship hour with ice cream sundaes!
Service Projects around the Church – 10:45 am-ish We need your hands to help with some service projects! Either come to church in work clothes, or bring a change of clothes. Property Team has a list of projects that need our help. Sign up in the narthex.
Community Collection Shepherd is joining Grace and Zion in a collaborative drive to benefit MCSA and Flickinger Learning Center. For specific donations requested, see the flyer here. Bring your donations (physical or monetary) to the church between September 1-12.
Shared Ministry Team Members Selected
Thank you to those who joined us for a roundtable discussion last Sunday regarding the possibility of shared ministry with our fellow ELCA congregations in Muscatine! If you haven’t had a chance to offer your insight, know that your Council members and Visioning Team members are always willing to listen.
Moving forward, based on the feedback received from the congregation, our Council determined at their monthly meeting that we will continue conversations moving forward. Council also selected three people to serve on the Shared Ministry Team: Andy Christy, Dave Bakke, and Mackenzie Gilbert. Thank you to all who were willing to be on the slate of nominees, and thank you to all who nominated individuals!
Please continue to hold Shepherd, along with Grace and Zion, in your prayers as we look to the fall and the possibilities before us!
Muscatine Youth and Children’s Choirs
Dr. Dan Laaveg and Ruthellen Brooks, directors of the Muscatine Youth and Children’s Choirs, are offering young people (Kindergarten-12th grade) in the Muscatine area an opportunity to grow their vocal talents. Their two main concerts are taking part in Wesley’s annual Lessons and Carols event and the Spring Concert, along with other events in the community. If your children are interested, see the this article for more information.
First Day of Sunday School
Sunday, September 19, 10:30 – 10:50 am
This year, Sunday School will be condensed to about 20 minutes to accommodate family schedules. We’ll have a song time with Pastor Aleese, followed by a review of the story we heard in worship and a brief activity led by lay leaders. Open to all kids toddler through elementary.
High School Youth Group
Sunday, September 19, 5:00– 6:30 pm
Along with youth from Zion and Grace, Shepherd youth 8th grade and up are invited to gather in fellowship, dig deeper into our faith and prepare for the upcoming ELCA Youth Gathering (summer 2022). Odd weeks will be focused on a specific topic of conversation; even weeks will be focused on fellowship. Check in with Pastor Aleese for more information!