Mark 16: 1-8 | Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! With the whole people of God, we join our voices in shouts of acclamation this day! But early on that first Easter morning, the women who came to Jesus’ body found themselves with a problem. At first, they were concerned who was going to roll away the stone. But hearing the news that Jesus had been raised from the dead, going forth from the tomb, they were sent with a whole new problem: how, now, were they to live, in light of this news? As people of faith, today, we trust that in Christ, death has been defeated and is no longer the “problem.” But then what does that mean for us, as we live in light of this Easter news? Join us, as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead, and as we are sent forth into the world as witnesses. Liturgy and words for worship adapted from a prayer by Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | Music covered under CCLI License #1141706, One License #738138-A.
Easter Sunday Worship Bulletin