
News & Events

We Need Your Help Wrapping Diapers!

Friday, June 17, 5:30 – 6:30 pm @ 1425 S Houser St

Pastor Aleese received a phone call from the Community Diaper Bank and they are looking for volunteers to help wrap diapers THIS coming Friday. Diapers come in huge boxes of hundreds of diapers, and those diapers need to be repackaged into packages of 25 to distribute to individuals and families. 

Because of the last minute notice, we are also asking members at Grace to hop on board with us. If you are available to help, please contact Pastor Aleese as soon as possible. Thanks for pitching in to do God’s work with your hands!

Vacation Bible School

Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14

Join us as a participant or as a helper!

Dates: July 10-14
Note that our last evening is open to entire families!
Location: Zion (Sunday – Wednesday), Grace (Thursday)
Time: 5:30-8:00 pm (meal included) 
Grades: PreK – grade 6

On behalf of the planning team, we truly hope that this event will be a chance for all people – across generations and across denominations! – to learn about God’s story of love and join in fellowship together. Register by July 1. Questions? Talk to Melissa Booth or Pastor Aleese.

Panda Express Fundraiser

Sunday, June 19

We have one more Panda Express fundraiser scheduled for this summer! Get your Chinese food fix and help support our youth! Reminder, there is a new code each time so pick up a form in the narthex or use this one.

Fall 2022 Adult Faith Formation Covenant Groups

Looking for a group of people to grow in faith and in relationship with others? 

Over the past few years, we have offered various committed faith formation groups like Alpha and our Wednesday evening Family Faith Night Adult group. From those groups, it’s become apparent that many in our Lutheran congregations in Muscatine (along with other community members!) are seeking a regular opportunity to deepen thier relationship with God. 

Looking to the fall of 2022, we are excited to offer a “menu” of possible adult faith formation groups. These groups would be open to people from Shepherd, Grace, Zion, and the community. Some of these groups may meet during our traditional Family Faith Night time (Weds from 6:30-7:30pm) and some groups may meet outside that time. 

Interested to take a closer look at what is being offered? Take a look at the “Adult Faith Formation Group Menu” to get a full description of each group. Then, use the summary page to more easily compare each group. Think you might be interested in a group? Respond via the Google Adult Faith Formation Group Interest form link by July 1. Later in July we will host an interest meeting to share more information. Questions? Contact Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese.

Spruce Up Sunday

Following worship on Sunday, June 26

It’s finally here! It’s time to start moving larger items out to the shed! And while we’re packing up stuff that is only used occasionally, lets spruce up our building! Join us for worship in your “NOT Sunday best” apparel and stick around to help check some things off our list of tasks. Not able to be there that Sunday? Our “To Do” list is in the narthex. Sign up and finish at your convenience. Questions? Contact Kathy Dunham.

Take Flat Jesus with you this summer!

Jesus is going to have a busy summer by the looks of it! We’ve already received some pictures of where flat Jesus has been adverture-ing, and we hope to see more pictures come in throughout the summer! Print off your copy of “flat Jesus” (or pick up a copy in the narthex) to take with you wherever you’re at this summer. Then, bring your pictures to the church to add to our bulletin board or send them to Kathy. You might even see your picture as a part of our Sunday morning slideshow! Let’s see all the places Jesus is going with you, our Shepherds, this summer!

Outdoor Worship and Ice Cream Sundae Fellowship!

Sunday, July 17

Join us for a chance to worship in God’s creation! You bring your lawn chair and we’ll provide the rest. A tent will be set up to help provide shade. 

Following worship, stick around for an ice cream sundae fellowship hour. This time will not only be a time of fellowship, but also a chance for us to offer our financial resources to one of the local organizations that our Stewardship Team has been highlighting this summer. 

Worship Services

Worship: God The Redwood Forest

John 16:12-15, Psalm 8 | If you’ve ever seen a redwood forest, you know just how majestic those trees are. But the secret to their growth and height is hidden underground in their interconnected roots. Join us for worship as we celebrate Holy Trinity Sunday and draw connections between a redwood forest and God, and as we hear the invitation to live in union with the Holy Trinity and interdependent on the trees around us.

Sunday, June 12, 2022, Holy Trinity Sunday Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgements: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A.Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Prelude: Lord of the Dance. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Text and Music: ©2000 Jubilate Music. Covered under One License subscription.  Gathering Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!. Text: Reginald Heber, 1783-1826, alt. Music: John B. Dykes, 1823-1876. Text and Music: ©1948 H W Gray. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: Come, Join the Dance of Trinity. Text: Richard Leach, b. 1953. Music: English folk tune. Test and Music: ©2002, 2005 Selah Publishing co., Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Spirit Song. Text and Music: John Wimber. Text and Music: ©1979 Mercy Vineyard Publishing, admin. Music Services. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Songs: Holy, Holy and Lamb of God. ACS Setting 11. Text and music © 2022 Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: If You But Trust in God to Guide You. Text and Music: Georg Neumark, 1621-1681; tr. composite. Text and Music: ©2006 Augsburg Fortress Publishers. Covered under One License subscription.


News & Events

Welcome to Connie Hoekstra!

Reminded of the Spirit who gathers us as one this Pentecost Sunday, we also had the privilege of welcoming Connie as one in our flock! We look forward to walking this journey with you, Connie! Thanks for offering your warm welcome, Shepherds! 

Sending of Thoma Family

Sunday, June 12

Once a Shepherd…always a Shepherd! This summer, the Thoma family will be departing our community this summer to move to Ames. To send them off, we will offer them a blessing as a part of worship during their last Sunday with us. Be sure to join us as we bless the Thoma’s, and as we wish them well with a special fellowship hour to follow!

Update for Summer Book Group

We have a group that is looking forward to reading Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis this summer! That group is coordinating schedules this coming week. If you’ve been thinking of joining us, it’s not too late! If you’d like to hop on board, contact Pastor Aleese and she’ll fill you in with details. 

Take Flat Jesus with you this summer!

Throughout the season of Easter, we have been “finding” Jesus in our sanctuary. But just because the Spirit has come on Pentecost doesn’t mean that Jesus has gone away!

For that reason, we are inviting the congregation to take Jesus with them this summer! Figuratively – we hope that you take Jesus with you wherever you go! But also literally – we are inviting you to take “flat Jesus” with you over the summer. Help us track where our Shepherds are throughout the summer, and take a picture with your flat Jesus. Either bring your pictures to the church, or send them to Kathy, and we’ll add them to our growing “Journey with Jesus” summer bulletin board. Outside of pictures, we also encourage the congregation to share a brief blurbs of where you’ve encountered Jesus throughout the summer. Add your blurb using paper by the bulletin board starting June 12.

Vacation Bible School

Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14

Have you heard? This summer SOTC is joining up with Zion Lutheran, Grace Lutheran, Faith United Church of Christ, First Presbyterian, First Christian, and Trinity Episcopal for an epic week of Vacation Bible School! Register and/or sign up to join us as a participant or as a helper!

Theme: Generation to Generation 
Dates: July 10-14
Note that our last evening is open to entire families!
Location: Zion (Sunday – Wednesday), Grace (Thursday)
Time: 5:30-8:00 pm (meal included) 
Grades: PreK – grade 6

On behalf of the planning team, we truly hope that this event will be a chance for all people – across generations and across denominations! – to learn about God’s story of love and join in fellowship together. Questions? Talk to Melissa Booth or Pastor Aleese.

Sending of Camp EWALU Youth

Sunday, June 19

Make sure to join us as we offer a blessing to our youth going to Camp EWALU this summer! Please keep our youth in your prayers as they experience the transforming and boundless love of God this summer at camp!

Worship Services

Worship: Filled

Ezekiel 37: 1-14, Acts 2: 1-21 | Thousands of years ago, God’s Spirit came upon the disciples gathered in Jerusalem for the celebration of the Jewish festival of Pentecost.  But what does it look like for God’s Spirit to come upon us today? And how might God’s Spirit fill us, giving us life and the power to stand on our own two feet? Join us for worship as we hear stories of the coming of the Spirit throughout Scripture, consider that same Spirit descending upon us.

Sunday, June 5, 2022, Pentecost Sunday Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgements: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A.Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Prelude: I’m Gonna Sing When the Spirit Says Sing. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Text and Music: © 2020 Lorenz Publishing Corporation, The.   Rain Down. Text and Music: Jaime Cortez. Text and Music: © 1991 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Gathering Hymn: Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading. Text: Wilson Niwagila; tr. Howard S. Olson, b. 1922. Music: Wilson Niwagila; arr. Egil Hovland, b. 1924. Text and Music: © 1968, 1993 Augsburg Fortress Publishers. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: God of Tempest, God of Whirlwind. Text: Herman G. Stuempfle Jr., b. 1923. Music: John Hughes, 1873-1932. Text: © 2000 GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Flow, River, Flow. Text and Music: Bob Hurd. Text and Music: © 1986 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Songs: Holy, Holy and Lamb of God. ELW Setting. Text and music © 2022 Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: Send Us Out. Text and Music: James Hersch. Text and Music: © 1994 Dakota Road Music. Covered under CCLI subscription.


News & Events

Get Ready for Pentecost Sunday!

Sunday, June 5

The Day of Pentecost marks the end of the season of Easter. Referencing Acts 2, together we will remember the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Jerusalem, and will open ourselves in worship to receive that same Spirit. So as to mark the occasion, here are three ways to participate:

1. Wear Red to Church | Red is traditionally the color representing the Spirit, so help us deck our sanctuary in the color of the Spirit!

2. Color a flame to add to our windows | We all have been gifted the power of the Holy Spirit, so help us out by coloring your own flame and adding it to our collage on the windows between the narthex and sanctuary. Print out your own coloring sheet (here) or pick up one in the narthex. Bring your colored flame on Sunday, June 5. 

3. Welcome New Member, Connie Hoesktra | Stick around for a special time of fellowship as we welcome Connie as a part of our flock!

Sending of Thoma Family

Sunday, June 12

Once a Shepherd…always a Shepherd! This summer, the Thoma family will be departing our community this summer to move to Ames. To send them off, we will offer them a blessing as a part of worship during their last Sunday with us. Be sure to join us as we bless the Thoma’s, and as we wish them well with a special fellowship hour to follow!

Summer Book Group

Interested in gaining a new perspective as you grow as a follower of Jesus? Consider joining us this summer for fellowship and conversation as a part of a book group. We will be reading Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis and/or Sacred Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity by Ronald Rolheiser.  For a description of each book, click the link. Frequency of book group meetings, along with scheduling, will be dependent on the participants of each group. We will do our best to accommodate schedules so as to include as many people as possible.

If you are interested in participating, please complete this short Google form by Thursday, June 2. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Aleese.

Ukraine Prayer Vigil and Advocacy Workshop

Thursday, June 2, 7:30-8:15 pm (EST)

Even as we grieve the realities of violence in our own country, we also remember the continued violence in Ukraine. If you are seeking an opportunity to pray for our siblings in Christ in Ukraine, and if you are seeking to learn more about advocacy opportunities, consider joining Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services for Stand Up, Speak Up: An Interfaith Prayer Vigil for Ukraine. Featuring speakers from diverse backgrounds and faith traditions, testimonies from local Ukrainians, and advocacy opportunities, the vigil offers an opportunity for all to gather together and demonstrate support for our Ukrainian neighbors.

To register for the livestream of this in-person event (hosted in Baltimore, MD) register here.

Take Flat Jesus with you this summer!

Throughout the season of Easter, we have been “finding” Jesus in our sanctuary. But just because the Spirit has come on Pentecost doesn’t mean that Jesus has gone away!

For that reason, we are inviting the congregation to take Jesus with them this summer! Figuratively – we hope that you take Jesus with you wherever you go! But also literally – we are inviting you to take “flat Jesus” with you over the summer. Help us track where our Shepherds are throughout the summer, and take a picture with your flat Jesus. Either bring your pictures to the church, or send them to Kathy, and we’ll add them to our growing “Journey with Jesus” summer bulletin board. Outside of pictures, we also encourage the congregation to share a brief blurbs of where you’ve encountered Jesus throughout the summer. Add your blurb using paper by the bulletin board starting June 12.

Growing Younger Initiative 

Did you know? The Southeastern Iowa Synod, along with the ELCA, has started an initiative to help congregations think about how congregations can be authentic places of faith formation – especially for young adults ages 15-29. To help think about this, the Southeastern Iowa Synod is encouraging congregations to engage with the book Growing Young. This book, backed by research from Fuller Seminary, outlines current realities for young adults and realities of the church.

if you’re at all interested in the formation of faith in young adults, and/or find yourself in that age group, we encourage you to join a group at Shepherd who will be reading through this book this summer. Each week on Tuesdays (starting June 14) at 6pm we have the opportunity to gather with others from across our synod to learn more and also to join in conversation. Not able to make every Tuesday? No problem.

If you’re interested in joining such a conversation, talk to Mackenzie or Nick Gilbert or Pastor Aleese. Thank you for uplifting people of every age in our church, and within the greater church, Shepherds!

Outdoor Worship @ SOTC

July 17 and August 28

Mark your calendars to join us outside on the grass (and under a tent!) as we worship in God’s creation! Worship will feature some camp songs that our youth learn this summer!

Ice Cream Social and Fundraiser

Sunday, July 17 following worship

Who doesn’t like ice cream in the summer?! This time will not only be a time of fellowship, but also a chance for us to offer our financial resources to one of the local organizations that our Stewardship Team has been highlighting this summer. Stay tuned for more details.

Worship Services

Worship: Pass the Baton, But Wait!

Acts 1:1-11, Ephesians 1:15-23 | Forty days after the resurrection of Jesus, the church celebrates the ascension of our Lord. Though this is often perceived as Jesus “leaving us,” quite the opposite is transpiring in this event. Jesus, in his ascension, is passing off the baton to us, to be his risen body in the world and to witness to all that we have seen and heard. How do we do that? And by what power? Join us for worship as we give our praise to Jesus, our Lord who reigns over all things, and as we wait for power to come upon us, filling us with all that we need to carry Christ’s banner forward.

Sunday, May 29, 2022, Ascension of Our Lord Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgements: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A.Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Prelude: O Beautiful for Spacious Skies. Text: Katherine L. Bates, 1859-1929. Music: Samuel A. Ward, 1849-1903. Text and Music: Public Domain. Hymn of the Day: A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing. Text: Bede, 673-735; tr. Lutheran Book of Worship. Music: Geistliche Kirchengesänge, Köln, 1623. Text and Music: ©1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory. Text: Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910. Music: North American, 19th cent. Text and Music: Public Domain. Communion Songs: Holy, Holy and Lamb of God. ELW Setting. Text and music © 2022 Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription. He is Exalted. Text and Music: Twila Paris. Text and Music: © 1985 Straightway Music, admin. EMI Christian Music Publishing. Covered under CCLI subscription. Lord of the Dance. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Text and Music: © 2000 Jubilate Music. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: Crown Him with Many Crowns. Text: Matthew Bridges, 1800-1894, sts. 1-3, 5; Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903, st. 4. Music: George J. Elvey, 1816-1893. Text and Music: Public Domain.


News & Events

Graduate Recognition
Kelsey Drake

Sundays, May 29

As the school year draws to a close, we will be honoring Kelsey Drake as she graduated from Wilton High School. Be sure to join us for worship as we offer a blessing to her, offer her a gift on behalf of the congregation, and join in a special time of fellowship following worship!

Summer Book Group

Interested in gaining a new perspective as you grow as a follower of Jesus? Consider joining us this summer for fellowship and conversation as a part of a book group. We will be reading Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis and/or Sacred Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity by Ronald Rolheiser.  For a description of each book, click the link. Frequency of book group meetings, along with scheduling, will be dependent on the participants of each group. We will do our best to accommodate schedules so as to include as many people as possible.

If you are interested in participating, please complete this short Google form by Thursday, June 2. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Aleese.

Participate in the Spirit this Pentecost Sunday!

Sunday, June 5

The Day of Pentecost marks the end of the season of Easter. Referencing Acts 2, together we will remember the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Jerusalem, and will open ourselves in worship to receive that same Spirit. So as to mark the occasion, here are three ways to participate:

1. Wear Red to Church | Red is traditionally the color representing the Spirit, so help us deck our sanctuary in the color of the Spirit!

2. Color a flame to add to our windows | We all have been gifted the power of the Holy Spirit, so help us out by coloring your own flame and adding it to our collage on the windows between the narthex and sanctuary. Print out your own coloring sheet (here) or pick up one in the narthex. Bring your colored flame on Sunday, June 5. 

3. Welcome New Member, Connie Hoesktra | Stick around for a special time of fellowship as we welcome Connie as a part of our flock!

Sending of Thoma Family

Sunday, June 12

Once a Shepherd…always a Shepherd! This summer, the Thoma family will be departing our community this summer to move to Ames. To send them off, we will offer them a blessing as a part of worship during thier last Sunday with us. Be sure to join us as we bless the Thoma’s, and as we wish them well with a special fellowship hour to follow!

Ice Cream Social and Fundraiser

Sunday, July 17 following worship

Join us for an ice cream sundae fellowship hour! This time will not only be a time of fellowship, but also a chance for us to offer our financial resources to one of the local organizations that our Stewardship Team has been highlighting this summer. Stay tuned for more details.

Camp Out Date Solidified!

Sat-Sun, August 27-28

Thanks for your responses! We have nailed down a date for later in the summer and are looking forward to an evening of hot dogs and s’mores around the fire along with other games throughout the night! All are welcome to join us on Saturday evening, even if you don’t want to spend the night at the church! Mark your calendars and plan to join us!

Worship Services

Worship: Rise Up and Live

John 5:1-9 | In the season of Easter, we have witnessed how Jesus has been raised from death and given new life. But it’s not just Jesus who has been raised and given another opportunity to live abundantly. As people of God, we, too, are given the invitation to rise up, to be healed, to be made whole, and to be sent forth to live so that those around us might experience the same restoration. So join us for worship as we hear the story of Jesus commanding a man – ill for 38 years – to rise up, and as we hear Jesus command us to rise up and live according to the Spirit.

Sunday, May 22, 2022, Sixth Sunday of Easter Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgements: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A.Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Prelude: On Eagle’s Wings. Text and Music: Jan Michael Joncas. Text and Music: © 1979 OCP. Covered under One License subscription.  & My Savior’s Love. Text and Music: Chas. H. Gabriel. Text and Music: Public Domain.    Hymn of the Day: River of Glory. Text and Music: Dan Schutte. Text and Music: © 1991 OCP Publications. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Holden Evening Prayer: Evening Hymn/Joyous light. Text and Music: Marty Haugen. Text and Music: ©. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Songs: Holy, Holy and Lamb of God. ELW Setting. Text and music © 2022 Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription. Shall We Gather at the River. Text and Music: Robert Lowry, 1826-1899. Text and Music: © 2014 Alfred Sacred. Covered under One License subscription. You Are Mine. Text and Music: David Haas. Text and Music: © 1991 GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: My Life Flows On in Endless Song. Text and Music: Robert Lowry, 1826-1899. Text and Music: Public Domain.


News & Events

Graduate Recognition
Kelsey Drake and Grant Jorgensen

Sundays, May 22 and 29

As the school year draws to a close, we have the privilege of honoring two graduates within our congregation! Due to scheduling, we will be honoring Kelsey and Grant on two separate Sundays. Be sure to join us for worship as we offer a blessing to our grads, offer them a gift on behalf of the congregation, and join in a special time of fellowship following worship! Congrats Kelsey and Grant on your achievements!

Interested in a Camp Out @ SOTC this Summer?

In previous years, we’ve hosted a camp out on SOTC grounds. Remembering how much fun it was, it’s been suggested to have a campout again this summer! 

If you’re interested in participating (or even joining us for a bonfire and games night), please fill out this form by Tuesday, May 17 so we can set up a date. Thanks!

Final Family Faith Night this Week!

Wednesday, May 18, 6:30pm @ Grace

It’s this week! Join us as we celebrate the confirmation of youth completing thier confirmation sequence! Though Shepherd is not confirming youth this year, Grace is excited to confirm 4 of thier youth. So as to include leaders and families who have been a part of the joint Family Faith Nights throughout this year, Grace has elected to host confirmation on a Wednesday evening rather than during Sunday morning worship. ALL are welcome for worship at 6:30 followed by a dessert reception.

Did You Spot Jesus this Sunday?

Jesus ascended to new heights this past weekend as he was “hidden” on top of our projector! Remind your kids to look for where Jesus is hidden each week through June 5. Then, tell Pastor Aleese where you found Jesus. Make plans to join us this weekend for worship!

Sending of Thoma Family

Sunday, June 12

Once a Shepherd…always a Shepherd! This summer, the Thoma family will be departing our community this summer to move to Ames. To send them off, we will offer them a blessing as a part of worship during thier last Sunday with us. Be sure to join us as we bless the Thoma’s, and as we wish them well with a special fellowship hour to follow!

Pentecost and Welcome of New Member!

The Day of Pentecost marks the end of the season of Easter. Referencing Acts 2, together we will remember the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Jerusalem, and will open ourselves in worship to receive that same Spirit. As this Sunday focuses on the work of the Spirit, we invite the congregation to wear red!

To make the Sunday even more festive, we will also be welcoming Connie Hoekstra as a new member during worship. Join us as we gather with one another, by the power of the Spirit, and join us as we welcome Connie into our flock! 

Worship Services

Worship: No Asterisks. No Exceptions.

Acts 11:1-18 | In the church, we often speak of the boundless love of God that transcends limits. It is by this love that we are saved by grace through faith. But what happens when this love transforms not only the boundaries upon God and God’s love, but also transforms the boundaries we uphold in living with others? Join us for worship as we once again receive the boundless love of Jesus Christ and are transformed to see one another as God’s beloved…no asterisks, no exceptions.

Sunday, May 15, 2022, Fifth Sunday of Easter Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgements: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A.Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Hymn of the Day: Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love. Text: Tom Colvin, 1925-2000, alt. Music: Ghanaian folk tune, adapt. Tom Colvin. Text and Music: ©1969 Hope Publishing Company. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Blessing, Honor, and Glory. Text and Music: Geoff Bullock and David Reidy. Text and Music: © 1998 Word Music, LLC., and Maranatha! Music, admin, Music Services, Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Songs: Holy, Holy and Lamb of God. ELW Setting. Text and music © 2022 Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription. I Come with Joy. Text: Brian A. Wren, b. 1936. Music: W. Walker, Southern Harmony, 1835. Text: © 1971, rev. 1995 Hope Publishing Company. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: To Be Alive. Text and Music: Larry Olson and David Lee Brown. Text and Music: © 1993 Dakota Road Music. Covered under One License subscription.