Worship Services

Worship: Christ Our Home

Psalm 122, Ephesians 2:11-22, John 14: 1-11 | “Home” carries many connotations for each of us. For some, home is a physical place. For others, home is less about a building and more about the people surrounding us. But for all of us, as followers of Jesus, we believe that it is through Christ our King—who came to live among us, died for us, and rose again for our sake—that we find our true home. As we wrap up the church year, join us as we celebrate the truth of Jesus as our King, and as we keep our eyes open for spaces in which God is making a home among us today.

Christ the King Worship Bulletin

Acknowledgments: Music covered under CCLI License #1141706, One License #738138-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering Song: I Was Glad. Text: Psalm 122:1, refrain; Jay Beech, stanzas. Music: Psalm 122, Jay Beech. Text and Music:©1999 Jay Beech. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: Be My Home. Text and Music: Handt Hanson and Paul Murakami. Text and Music:© 1996 Prince of Peace Publishing. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: Here Is Bread. Words and Music: Graham Kendrick, b. 1950. Words and Music: ©1991 Make Way Music, admin. by Music Services in the Western Hemisphere. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: God Be with You Till We Meet Again. Text: Jeremiah E. Rankin, 1828-1904. Music: GOD BE WITH YOU, William G. Timer, 1833-1896. Public Domain. Liturgy: Now the Feast and Celebration. by Marty Haugen.©1990 by GIA Publications, Inc.  Covered under One License subscription.


Our Life Together

News & Events

Congregational Budget Meeting

Sunday, November 21

A proposed 2022 budget, along with a narrative addendum was shared with the congregation last Sunday, and was also emailed the following Monday.   Meeting for discussion and approval of budget will be held on November 21 following worship. 

Baptism of Ethan Lamb

This Sunday we had the honor or glimpsing a part of God’s Kingdom at work in the baptism of Ethan Lamb! We welcome you, Ethan, into the body of Christ and the mission we share in bearing God’s creative and redeeming Word to all the world! Please continue to uphold Ethan and his parents in prayer as he grows in faith and love!

Advent is right around the corner!

Advent begins Sunday, November 28 

There’s something special about “coming home.” For some, coming home is returning to family, or childhood homes. For others, coming home is less about a place, and more about the people you’re with. 

This Advent, we’re focusing on the theme “Close to Home.” Ultimately, God is our home and resting place. As we prepare for Jesus’ birth, we’ll remember God’s promise that He draws near and makes a home on earth with us. In order to dwell in this theme, you’ll note some shifts in our worship space and in our order of worship. Our goal is to create an environment that is intimate, close, relaxed, and casual. 

For more information about all things Advent, check out Stay tuned for ways you can participate with us as we prepare to welcome our Lord Emmanuel among us.

Ringers Needed for Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign

Each year, Salvation Army recruits ringers to encourage giving at HyVee, Fareway, Wal-Mart, and Blaine’s Farm and Fleet. Ringing begins Friday, November 19. If you would like to sign up to assist, go to Register to Ring and complete your individual registration. Looking to ring with other Shepherds? Check with others and sign up together! Though we are not officially facilitating a specific time we are ringing together, members are more than welcome to coordinate together. Thanks for supporting local initiatives in our community!

Christmas Poinsettias

By Sunday, Dec. 5

Can you help us decorate the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas?  We will be purchasing white poinsettias using funds collected last year for Christmas décor. These poinsettias will be used through Advent and Christmas. However, we’d also like to supplement with some red poinsettias for our celebration of Christmas.  Can you help us? 

If so, a sign up sheet is in the narthex. There is also room to indicate if you would like your poinsettia purchased in honor/memory of someone. Cost for poinsettias is $12. Not at the church, but want to get your name on the list? Contact Kathy

Community Thanksgiving Service

Wednesday, November 24
6:00 – 7:00 pm

Join area churches in a Thanksgiving Eve worship service. Hosted by Church of the Living Water (3120 Park Ave W). Other participating churches include: Vineyard Church, Jesus Mission, Calvary Church, Wesley UMC, Musserville San Pablo. Pie social will follow worship.

SOTC Christmas Party

Sunday, December 12
6:00 – 7:30 pm

Mark your calendars for a night of games, fellowship and fun! Those who attend are invited to bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share. Games will include some Christmas-inspired activities, along with other generic games suited for children and adults of all ages. More information to come soon. We hope to see you as we celebrate together!

Worship Services

Worship: Holding Fast to Hope

Mark 13: 1-8, Hebrews 10:11-25 | Before even turning on the news, we could likely predict what sorts of stories we’ll hear. After a while, it may seem as though we’re simply stuck in the same news cycle, over and over and over again. For centuries, God’s people have dealt with wars, violence, and destruction. So is there hope for anything to change? Join us as we hear God’s message to not be afraid, to beware, and to hold fast to the hope of our confession through Jesus Christ.

Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost Bulletin

Acknowledgments: Music covered under CCLI License #1141706, One License #738138-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering Song: My Lord, What a Morning. Text and Music: African American spiritual. Public Domain. Hymn of the Day: When Peace Like A River. Text: Horatio G Spafford, 1828-1888. Music: VILLA DU HAVRE, Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876. Public Domain. Offering Song: Goodness is Stronger than Evil. Text: Desmond Tutu, b. 1931. Music: GOODNESS IS STRONGER, John L. Bell, b. 1949. Text: © 1995 Desmond Tutu, admin. Random House, Inc. and Lynn C. Franklin Associates, Ltd. Music: © 1996 Iona Community, admin. GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: Borning Cry. Words and Music: John Ylvisaker. Words and Music: ©1985 John Ylvisaker. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: Soon and Very Soon. Text and Music: Andrae Crouch, b. 1945 Text and Music: © 1976 Bud John Songs, Inc./Crouch Music, admin. EMI Christian Music Publishing. Covered under CCLI subscription. Liturgy: Now the Feast and Celebration. by Marty Haugen.©1990 by GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription.


Our Life Together

News & Events

Congregational Budget Meeting

Sunday, November 21

A proposed 2022 budget, along with a narrative addendum was shared with the congregation on Sunday, and was also emailed on Monday.   Meeting for discussion and approval of budget will be held on November 21 following worship. 

Canned Food Given at Trunk or Treat

For those who participated in Trunk or Treat at the end of October, they were invited to bring a canned food item to share with MCSA. Thanks to the help of those who participated, we filled 2 1/2 grocery carts full! Thanks for doing God’s Work with your hands!

Soup Supper

The First Presbyterian Church in Wilton (213 E 5th St.) will be holding a Soup Supper Sunday, November 14th from 4:30-6:30 pm.

Christmas Poinsettias

By Sunday, Dec. 5

Can you help us decorate the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas?  We will be purchasing white poinsettias using funds collected last year for Christmas décor. These poinsettias will be used through Advent and Christmas. However, we’d also like to supplement with some red poinsettias for our celebration of Christmas.  Can you help us? 

If so, a sign up sheet is in the narthex. There is also room to indicate if you would like your poinsettia purchased in honor/memory of someone. Cost for poinsettias is $12. Not at the church, but want to get your name on the list? Contact Kathy

Advent: Close to Home

Sunday, November 28

There’s something special about “coming home.” For some, coming home is returning to family, or childhood homes. For others, coming home is less about a place, and more about the people you’re with. 

This Advent, we’re focusing on the theme “Close to Home.” Ultimately, God is our home and resting place. As we prepare for Jesus’ birth, we’ll remember God’s promise that He draws near and makes a home on earth with us. 

Note in coming weeks we’ll be sharing more information about our coming Advent season, and ways you can participate! We look forward to this sacred journey with you! 

Our Life Together

News & Events

Trunk or Treat SUCCESS!

Thanks to all those who helped coordinate Trunk or Treat, and thanks to all those who attended! It was a smashing success and many, many people noted how grateful they were that this event happened! Thanks for your witness to the greater community of Muscatine, Shepherds!

Youth Confirm their Faith

This past Sunday, Zach, Ava, Raen, Violet, and Kinsey publicly confessed thier faith in the Triune God and affirmed the promises made in baptism! What an honor it was to celebrate them as they mark this milestone on thier journey of faith! Please continue to pray for them as they continue as faithful followers of Jesus Christ!

Thank you for your contributions!

Thanks to your help, we raised $3500.00 toward our Sharing the Good News Campaign! Thank you for supporting the mission of Jesus through this congregation!

Congregational Budget Meeting

Saturday, November 21

Last Tuesday, our Council approved a draft of our SOTC 2022 budget for review by the congregation. That budget, along with a narrative  explaining significant changes, will be distributed to the congregation on November 7. Meeting for discussion and approval of budget will be held on November 21 following worship.

Women’s Group

Saturday, November 13, 8:30 am

This month our Women’s Group is finishing up their 3-month study on the Holy Spirit. Haven’t been able to join us yet this fall? No problem! Feel free to join us for fellowship, study, and prayer. Check out the link to take a peek at what we’ll be looking at together.

Our Life Together

News & Events

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, October 27, 5:30 – 7:00 pm @ Grace

It’s this week! Hope to see you at Grace with costume and face mask! If you are hosting a trunk, reminder to be set up at Grace by 5:15pm. Questions? Talk to Cathy BermelMelissa Booth, or Judy Bartling

Crafting for a Cause

Saturday, October 30, 9 am-12 pm

Thank you for all the crayons! Last Thursday some of our kiddos came together again to craft for the Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center. They will have the rubbing crayons they created for sale Saturday at Wesley Family Life Center (114 W 4th St). Any youth that would like to help sell our creations, contact Kathy. Adults, join us Saturday morning to help support MVCPC!

Names for All Saints Day Litany

Submit by October 31, used in worship on Nov. 7

Each year, the church celebrates All Saints Day – a day to remember all the saints in God’s Kingdom, especially those who have been baptized and those who have died in the past year. To honor those saints, we will include a litany for the saints as a part of worship on Sunday, November 7. If you would like a family member or friend included, submit their name, relation to you, and if they have been baptized/have died to the church office by October 31.

Final Push for Sharing the Good News Campaign

Thanks to your support, we have raised $1750 toward the Sharing the Good News Campaign!

Because we began this campaign a week later than anticipated, we are extending the time to contribute through Sunday, October 31. All funds will go toward our general fund. Contributions can be made online, offered within worship, or mailed/dropped off at the church office. Thank you for your support, Shepherds, as we join with God in what God is already doing in our midst!

We Have a Shed!

If you’ve been at SOTC in the past two weeks, you’ve likely noticed our new shed! We are so excited to begin using it so as to create space in our building for ministry! This past weekend, a crew began trenching to run cabling to the shed. This will allow electricity outside, along with WiFi access. Moving forward, our Property Team will be discussing and installing shelving. Once shelving is in place, “stuff” from inside the building can start making its way to the shed. 

Note that the shed will remain locked for security. If you need access, there will be a key hung in the kitchen.  Questions? Talk to Nick Gilbert or Kathy Dunham.  

Congregational Budget Meeting

Saturday, November 21

This week, our Council will meet to review the entirety of the proposed 2022 budget. That budget, along with a narrative explaining significant changes, will be distributed to the congregation on November 7. Meeting for discussion and approval of budget will be held on November 21 following worship

Community Thanksgiving Service

Wednesday, November 24, 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Join area churches in a Thanksgiving Eve worship service. Hosted by Church of the Living Water (3120 Park Ave W). Other participating churches include: Vineyard Church, Jesus Mission, Calvary Church, Wesley UMC, Musserville San Pablo. Pie social will follow worship.

Worship Services

Worship: Stewarding Courage

Mark 10: 46-52 | “Feel the fear and do it anyway.” Good advice, but sometimes a bit challenging to put into practice.  But what if we believed that, as children of God who’ve been restored through the blood of Christ’s death and resurrection, we will receive the courage we need? The courage to approach our God and Father? The courage to acknowledge our shortcomings and need for healing? The courage to be vulnerable? The courage to follow as a disciple? The courage to “feel the fear and do it anyway”? Join us for worship as we claim the promise that Jesus restores us, gives us life and gives us the gift to live courageously as his disciples.

Twenty-second Sunday of Pentecost Worship Bulletin

Acknowledgements: Music covered under CCLI License #1141706, One License #738138-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering Song: For the Beauty of the Earth. Text: Folliott S. Pierpoint, 1835-1917, alt. Music: DIX, Conrad Kocher, 1786-1872. Text and music © 1917 Willow Publishing Pty Ltd. Covered under One License subscription.
Hymn of the Day: When the Poor Ones. Text: Jos’e Antonio Olivar, b. 1939; tr. Martin A. Seltz, b. 1951. Music: EL CAMINO, Miguel Manzano, b. 1934. Text and Music: © 1971, 1998 J. A. Olivar, Miguel Manzano, and San Pablo International – SSP, admin. OCP Publications. Offering Song: O God, We Call. Text and Music: Linnoa Good. Text and Music: © 1994 Borealis Music. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: Reign of Healing. Words and Music: Hans Peterson and Larry Olson. Music and Text: © 1999 Dakota Road Music. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: You Are The Way. Words by Steve Angrisano, Tom Tomaszek, and Christi Smith. Music by Steve Angrisano and Patrick Smith. Words and Music: © 2002 Covered under CCLI subscription. Liturgy: Now the Feast and Celebration. by Marty Haugen.©1990 by GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription.


Our Life Together

News & Events

Sunday School Kids Help Crafting for a Cause Event, and High School Youth Help Conversation Board Event

We had a busy weekend of service at Shepherd! On Sunday morning, Kathy Dunham led our Sunday School kids (and some adults!) in melting old crayons into new creations. Those creations will be sold at the Crafting for a Cause fair at Wesley on Sunday, October 30 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. Proceeds benefit the Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center. If you have Sunday School kids who’d like to continue to help, we’re gathering (again!) this Thursday at 1:30pm at SOTC to continue our project!

Later in the evening, as our high schoolers gathered for youth group, they carved 20 pumpkins for the Muscatine Conversation Board’s Halloween event coming up this Friday, October 22. After the youth expressed interest in doing a “fall activity,” it seemed to be the perfect connection to create an environment for fun, while also serving our community. 

Be sure to say “thank you for serving!” to all our younger Shepherds! Thanks for being God’s servants!

Can you help us reach our goal?

Our Stewardship Team put before the congregation a goal to raise $3400 by October 24. So far, $1000 has been contributed toward our Sharing the Good News Campaign. Can you help us close the gap? 

All funds will go toward our general fund. Currently, our operating expenses from 2021 exceed offerings by about $8,000. With your help, we can slash that deficit and also ensure that the mission of Jesus continues through Shepherd. 

If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at the video our Stewardship Team put together, and consider a donation to help us reach our goal! Contributions can be made online, offered within worship, or mailed/dropped off at the church office. Thank you for your support, Shepherds, as we join with God in what God is already doing in our midst!

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, October 27, 5:30 – 7:00 pm @ Grace

It’s coming up soon! Get your costumes (and face masks!) ready and we’ll meet you at Grace! Bring a canned food item for our community drive if you’re feeling generous!

At this point, here’s what we need from the congregation:

1. We need people to host trunks! If you’re willing, sign up here. Trunk hosts must provide your own candy. All trunks must be set up at Grace by 5:15 pm. 

2. Spread the word! Please share our Facebook event and share the flyer below with your workplace and in your social circles!

Download the pdf flyer and share with your family and friends.  

Questions? Talk to Cathy BermelMelissa Booth, or Judy Bartling.

Worship Helpers

Wanting to help with Sunday morning worship? Check out this link to see where you may want to volunteer

Spaghetti Supper at Trinity Episcopal

Saturday October 16

Looking for a meal? Trinity is hosting a community spaghetti supper on October 16 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm. Due to recent increase in COVID cases in Muscatine, this will be a take-out event only. There may be seating outside as weather permits. Freewill donations available to help fund thier next community meal in December (soup supper). Otherwise, this meal is free and open to all! 

All Saints Day Litany

Submit names by October 31

Each year, the church celebrates All Saints Day – a day to remember all the saints in God’s Kingdom, especially those who have been baptized and those who have died in the past year. To honor those saints, we will include a litany for the saints as a part of worship on Sunday, November 7. If you would like a family member or friend included, submit their name, relation to you, and if they have been baptized/have died to the church office by October 31. Sign up sheet also available in the church narthex.

Congregational Budget Meeting

Saturday, November 21

Teams are currently compiling thier proposed budgets for 2022. By November 7, a proposed budget for 2022 (along with a narrative explaining significant changes) will be distributed to the congregation. We will meet following worship on November 21 to discuss and approve the 2022 budget.

Worship Services

Worship: Stewarding Power

Mark 10: 35-45 | When we think of those who are “powerful,” our minds likely go to high-ranking CEOs, politicians, and billionaires. Often, we do not consider ourselves as people of “power” and “influence.” But each of us has been granted power. For starters, we all have been given the power of the Spirit, and many of us have also been granted power and authority based on our race, background, education, gender, and social status. So then, as people of faith, how do we steward this power? Join us for worship as we hear Christ’s example of using his power for the sake of others, and as we are challenged to assess how our power can be used to make a difference.

Twenty-first Sunday of Pentecost Worship Bulletin

Acknowledgments: Music covered under CCLI License #1141706, One License #738138-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Prelude: Pass It On. Words and Music: Kurt Kaiser. Words and Music © Lutheran Church Of Australia. Covered under One License subscription. Gathering Song: Let All Things Now Living. Text: Katherine K. Davis, 1892-1980.. Music: The Ash Grove, Welsh folk tune. Text and music © 1939, 1966 E. C. Schirmer Music Company. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service. Text: Albert F. Bayly, 1901-1984. Music: Beach Spring, The Sacred Harp, Philadelphia, 1844. Text: © Oxford University Press. The Copyright Co.  Covered under CCLI subscription. Offering Song: We Are An Offering. Words and Music by Dwight Liles. Words and Music: © 1984 Curb Word Music. Covered under CCLI License subscription. Communion Song: Make Me A Servant. Words and Music: Kelly Willard. Music and Text: © 1982 CCCM Music | Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Publishing | Willing Heart Music. Covered under CCLI subscription. Sending Song: Make Me An Instrument. Words by Larry Olson & Karol Baer. Words and Music: © 1989 Dakota Road Music. Covered under CCLI subscription. Liturgy: Now the Feast and Celebration. by Marty Haugen.©1990 by GIA Publications, Inc.  Covered under One License subscription. 


Our Life Together

News & Events

Can you support the work of God’s Kingdom?

During worship on Sunday, we shared a video on behalf of the Stewardship Team, inviting the congregation to actively notice where God’s Kingdom is at work, to join with God in that work, and to offer our selves, our time, and our resources to continuing God’s mission. 

But in order to continue together in that mission, we need your support. Currently, operating expenses from 2021 exceed offerings by about $8,000. In order to slash that deficit, our Stewardship Team is setting a goal of raising $3,400 between now and October 24. All funds will go toward our general fund. Can you help us slash our deficit by contributing over and above your regular offerings? 

If you’re feeling led to give, you can give using the button on our homepage.  Once at our homepage, scroll down and to the right to find the purple “Give” button to give online through  Not into online giving? Mail or drop off your donation at church. Please indicate “Sharing the Good news Campaign” when making your contribution. 

Thank you for your support, Shepherds, as we join with God in what God is already doing in our midst!

We Need Crayons!

Our kids are joining forces to melt crayons into molds to sell at a craft fundraiser hosted by Wesley United Methodist Church on Saturday, October 30 from 9:00 am -12:00 pm. Funds raised from the fair will benefit the Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center (MVCPC).

But we need your help: we need crayons! Bring crayons to church and place in the jar in the narthex. The kids will start working on this project Sunday, Oct. 17th after worship.  And be sure to mark your calendars to support our young Shepherds as they serve our community!

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, October 27, 5:30 – 7:00 pm @ Grace

Join us for a night of fun and games with our fellow ELCA congregations and the entire Muscatine community! Kids are invited to come in costume. For safety, face masks are required. There is no cost for the event, but if you’re feeling generous, pick up a canned food item to bring to our drive at the event. Share the word by spreading our Facebook event and the flyer linked below! 

We need people to host trunks. If you’re willing, sign up here. Get ideas online if you’re looking for something creative! Trunk hosts must provide your own candy. If you’d like to have a game at your trunk, go for it! Trunks must be set up by 5:15 pm. 

We also need candy and small prize donations. When you stop by the store this week, pick up an extra bag of treats and bring ’em to church. A donation box will be in the narthex.

Download the pdf flyer and share with your family and friends.  

Questions? Talk to Cathy BermelMelissa Booth, or Judy Bartling.

Last Call for the Narrative Directory

The Narrative Directory is looking great! We have noticed, as it’s coming together, that we are missing some photos and members information. If you have not sent in your photo or filled out the questions, it’s not too late. Please send or drop off what is needed to the office this week.

Spaghetti Supper at Trinity Episcopal

Saturday October 16

Looking for a meal? Trinity is hosting a community spaghetti supper on October 16 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm. Due to recent increase in COVID cases in Muscatine, this will be a take-out event only. There may be seating outside as weather permits. Freewill donations available to help fund thier next community meal in December (soup supper). Otherwise, this meal is free and open to all! 

All Saints Day Litany

Submit names by October 31

Each year, the church celebrates All Saints Day – a day to remember all the saints in God’s Kingdom, especially those who have been baptized and those who have died in the past year. To honor those saints, we will include a litany for the saints as a part of worship on Sunday, November 7. If you would like a family member or friend included, submit their name, relation to you, and if they have been baptized/have died to the church office by October 31. Sign up sheet also available in the church narthex.